6- Pictures

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Taehyung went back to the darkroom even though Meira said she'd go and collect the pictures

"Taehyung you're going to get lost again! Let me just-" she said as they stood out of the cafeteria, everyone chatting amongst themselves, Jungkook grinning since he didn't have to pay for the food.

"Nah I need to go to the conservatory and get some sheet music I left there. I'll collect the pictures on my way back"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then... I'll walk with you to the conservatory at leas-"

"Nope!" He said abruptly, "no- it defeats the purpose then doesn't it? Cause then you might as well go to the darkroom instead! I'll get it! Don't worry... Maybe go and work on your projects?"

"Ahh, I forgot that! I have one due tomorrow! I'll finish it and we'll meet up-"

"At the arena?"

"Okay... At 5:00?" She asked as she looked at her watch

"Yeah, that sounds fine!" He said as he grinned and turned on his heel, making his way to the art department.

He walked for a while till he heard footsteps behind him.
Taehyung turned to find himself face to face Jungkook.

"Gosh, you startled me!"

"You don't have to go to the conservatory do you?" He asked with his hands in his pockets

"Ahhhh," Taehyung said as he rubbed the back of his neck

"You're scheming aren't you? Come on! Tell me what are you planning?"

"Nothing! I'm not planning anything" Taehyung said as he waved his hands which only made Jungkook more suspicious

"Taehyung. I'm not falling for that-"

"I just have to develop some extra pictures..." Taehyung said in a small voice

"They're pictures of Meira aren't they?" Jungkook said as he slapped Taehyung's back, causing him to stumble forward.

Taehyung's face turned a very noticeable shade of red as he stuttered, causing Jungkook to laugh

"I've noticed you sneaking glances," Jungkook said as he wiggled his eyebrows, causing Taehyung to wish he could disappear

"Am I that obvious?"

"Nah not really.. you're pretty subtle. And she's as dense as dense gets when it comes to things like this so don't worry too much about that"

They start walking towards the art department, Jungkook assuring Taehyung he won't let his secret out.

"I'll help you with them since I've got nothing to do anyway," he said, referring to the pictures

"Don't you have that assignment too?"

"I'll manage!" He said with a bunny grin.

They walked, arms on each other's shoulders.


"What are you planning to do with these pictures?" Jungkook asked as he worked on developing the pictures, Taehyung hanging them up to dry

"I don't really know..." Taehyung admitted

"What did she say when she developed these pictures of her? These are second copies aren't they?"

"She didn't say anything. She was listening to music and working efficiently"

"Ahhh... As expected when it comes to Meira I guess" Jungkook said as he chuckled.

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