39- Life

378 41 11

"The mid-year vacation is coming up..." Taehyung said as he twirled a stray strand of May's hair in front of her face as the both of them lied down on the bed after a long day

"If you can call 10 days off a vacation-" Meira said with a chuckle 

"Can we go home?" He whispered

"We are going home aren't we?" Meira said as she propped her head on her hand, looking at Taehyung in confusion

"I meant can we go to my house.. together-" He said slowly, carefully enunciating every syllable, looking at her reaction, her face changing from confusion to amusement.

"Tae don't be ridiculous"

"It's not really ridiculous is it?"

"Tae they don't know who I am. I don't think they're going to be fine with their son dating his bodyguard-"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, a fierce look in his eyes.

"You're Meira first. My girlfriend second, My bodyguard third. Don't downplay that. I want them to meet Meira, my badass girlfriend-"

May smiled a small smile as she looked away from his intense gaze, "I still don't know-"

"May... please?" he said with puppy eyes that made Meira laugh

"I'll have to ask Trace about this... But I guess we could do that..." she said as she got up from the bed, looking at him with a sideways glance "Honey bear~" she whispered before she dashed out of the room, leaving Taehyung confused, 

"WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT-" he yelled as he ran after her out the room.


"I'll drive you guys there-" Trace said nonchalantly as May asked him about it over their Sunday breakfast

Meira's jaw dropped as she looked at him in complete disbelief

"NO WHAT- Trace don't you fucking dare-"

"May I can't let you go alone. the only other alternative is me following behind you in another car or putting a GPS tracker on your car-"

"We'll go with your third option," Meira said without skipping a beat as Taehyung quietly nibbled on his piece of toast.

Trace thoughtfully stared at the dining table as he sat down with a cup of coffee. "I think that'll be fine. I'll be monitoring your locations every couple of minutes till you reach the house. The moment you stop moving for 15 minutes and I don't hear from you, I'm coming by on the chopper"

"Deal!" May said as she looked at Taehyung with a grin

"So I expect a car will pick you up from the Kim mansion the day after tomorrow? Tell them to bring more than 10 bodyguards this time-"

"Hol' up what-" Meira said as the grin immediately fell off her face

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's an entire convoy or its nothing Meira-" he said as he sipped his coffee, looking at his phone

"You've got to be kidding me right now-"

"What were you planning to do-"

"We thought we could drive there, the two of us..." Meira said in a small voice as Taehyung watched the entire scene unfold, unsure of what to say.

"May..." Trace said as he dropped his phone on the table, "We've been over this. You can't just pick things up and go wherever you want. Especially when its the both of you. He's been attacked once, and the both of you were cornered right under my nose."

"But I managed to handle the situation didn't I?" Meira said as she looked at the table

"May..." Trace said as he leaned forward

May sighed as she swirled the coffee in her cup, Trace running his fingers through his hair tiredly

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry you have to live like this May... But I want you to be safe. Is that too much to ask?"

"No... it's fine. I understand," she said, still not meeting his eyes as Taehyung reached out for her hand.

"So.. should I let them know? That we're coming? They'll send a car here-"

"Wait. I'll try to come up with something better. I'll let you know at the end of today-"Trace said as he got up

"You don't have to Trace. It's alright. We can't afford to be careless." Meira said as she looked at him, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Nah... I'll figure something out. A small road trip shouldn't hurt anyone. I'll talk to the boss and ask him if he has any ideas."

"Thank you Trace... For everything."

He gave her a smile as he walked out of the dining room. 

Meira turned to the table thoughtfully, playing with the remaining scrambled eggs on her plate.


"Sometimes I think I ask for too much. I know why they're so protective. They've got every reason to be. My life is always in danger. Our lives are always in danger. But it's such a simple thing, that anyone can do. Why am I not allowed to do normal things?" she said as she looked at him, conflict and guilt in her eyes

"I know how that feels May. Everyone can do little things. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life like a random drive, or a walk around the city. And I know that you know that at this point, we are anything but normal. It's okay to want for all this. Don't feel too bad about feeling this way..."

Meira sighed as she turned back to her plate, shovelling the rest of her food, getting up immediately after she was done. "Let's go?" she asked Tae, who was still sitting down, looking at her, lost in thought. She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes with a smile as she gestured towards the main door. "We're going around the city with the gang today? Remember?"


They biked around town, stopping for lunch and pictures every couple of minutes, Namjoon calling out to them as they biked past points of interest in the city, rattling off interesting facts. They ended up at the beachside, each of them having an ice cream cone in their hands as they sat on one of the low walls that faced the ocean, one of them wanting to sit on the sand.

May took a breath of the salty breeze as she looked at her friends, who's legs dangled as they laughed, teased and chatted, the sunset colouring the entire scene a warm yellow. Jungkook nudged her with his shoulder, a wide grin on his face, as Taehyung took a bite out her cone from the other side. 



Jungkook leaned against the wall of the dark office. 

"They're driving to the Kim mansion, the day after tomorrow. They'll be driving from here to the estate, becoming a part of a convoy after three hours" he said as he looked at the floor

Yoongi tapped his fingers on his desk, "We could alter that information relayed to the security team, essentially giving us a span of 20 minutes where they will essentially be in a no man's land-" he looked at Jungkook who still didn't meet his eyes.

"You can go now, Jungkook. I'll handle it from here"

Jungkook gave a small nod as Yoongi turned his chair away from the door. Just as Jungkook stepped out he called out

"Oh and Jungkook?"

He looked back as Yoongi said, "Say your goodbyes to him..."

Jungkook went ghost white when he heard that, looking at Yoongi in disbelief, before closing the door behind him.









I- uhhhh

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