41- Silence

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BH just dropped the album announcement and even though their drop might be planned I'm just going to be Hella impulsive and drop the new chapter right now cause why the heck not-

If there's one bad habit they've encouraged it's my impulsiveness, and I still don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing lmao.

"BE" drops on 20th November and when I tell you we aren't ready-

Anywho, here's today's chapter! Hope you like it👉👈

May sat in silence as Trace thought out loud

"Gold stripes means it was Gloss. He wanted us to know it was him. He also knew about the convoy by the looks of it. Hence the silent strategy. Aiming to kill Tae this time round, so they ran away the moment they hit Taehyung. You said Taehyung shot someone? There was no body in the forest so they cleared out pretty efficiently-" he said as he hit the steering, a flow of curses leaving his mouth as May's head hung low, her holding Taehyung's hand in her own, rubbing warmth into it from time to time.

She could feel it slowly going cold.

He was breathing but it was so laboured and so slow that she barely saw his chest rise and fall.

May didn't tear up. Her face bore no expression as they landed at the house, helping Trace once more, leading the both of them to their Medical room.

Her movements were mechanic as she cut away the rest of his shirt, cleaning up the wound while Trace rolled in and hooked up IVs and the various machines needed to monitor his condition.

The doctor arrived after about an hour, entering a room where Taehyung laid, pale as a stern-faced May sat next to him. She bowed her head as she stepped out, only to find Trace in the corridor, an arm extended. She left herself be pulled into a hug as they walked outside.

He leaned down and whispered into her ear. 

"It's not your fault"

Meira just looked ahead as they walked in the garden.

She looked up at the window of the medical room as she sat down on the path that circled around the garden, Trace giving her a sad look.

He knew she was going to be beating herself up for even suggesting the drive be unsupervised.

"He told me he didn't get hurt. He told me he didn't get shot-"

Trace sat down next to her as she looked at the ground, tracing circles on the stone.

"He didn't want to worry you-"

"AND WHAT GOOD DID THAT DO? IT JUST MADE HIS CHANCES OF SURVIVAL SLIMMER! IF HE HAD TOLD ME EARLIER WE COULD'VE IMMEDIATELY LEFT-" she was screaming now, her voice going hoarse as Trace pulled her closer.

She still didn't cry. She just stared into the distance as Trace pulled her close, his silent tears soaking her clothes.

"He'll be fine May... He'll be fine"

Taehyung felt heavy. 

His entire body felt like it was under the ocean, crushed by the immense pressure of the water, barely able to breathe. 

He tried opening his eyes, but they felt like they were made of lead. 

He vaguely heard sounds. Muffled words that he couldn't understand, before passing out again.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, the bright light making him flinch as his eyes tried to adjust.

He heard a chair being moved next to him, only to find Meira hover over him a few seconds later, staring at him with an unreadable expression. She stared at him for a while, like she was trying to make sure what she saw was real. 


She placed a finger on his lips as she nodded her head, shortly walking out of the room.

Taehyung closed his eyes, exhausted.

He heard an unfamiliar male voice call out to him. It was a white-haired man, wearing a white coat.

"Master Taehyung, how do you feel?"

Taehyung tried to talk, only to find his mouth completely dry

"Thirs-ty" he managed to croak out.

Immediately a nurse walked up with a glass with a straw, holding up to Taehyung's lips as Trace pressed a button on the bed, making him sit up.

His body still felt like it was weighed down with sacks of sand, but he managed to look around the room.

"She's not here. She's been up for the three days you weren't, sitting by your side. I sent her to her room to get some sleep" Trace said softly as the doctor checked and noted down his vitals and reflexes.

"You're going to require another week's bed rest, followed by care for at least a month," the doctor said as he made notes on his clipboard before walking out the room, leaving Taehyung alone with Trace.

"This isn't a hospital"

"Nope. This is our safe house close to your estate."

"I've been out for three days?"

"Three days. And the chances of you coming out of this with no adverse effects were very slim. Thankfully, the guy who shot you was kind of sloppy"


"Meira? Deadly quiet. Hasn't slept, barely ate, a far off look on her face. The only real emotion she showed was when she yelled at me, asking me why you didn't tell her you had been hit"

Taehyung looked out the large french windows as the trees outside swayed, not answering Trace.

 "Get some sleep bub. You must be exhausted." Trace said as he pressed a button, the blackout curtains sliding into place as he walked out of the room.


Taehyung got up when he felt cold air blow on his bare stomach.

He slowly opened his eyes to find Meira there, removing his old bandage, wiping the area with a mild sanitiser, her hands shaking.

He'd never seen her hands shake. 

Not when she was painting the finest details on canvas. 

Not when she was holding a gun.

Seeing her hands shake like that scared him. He knew she was trying to be as steady as possible, but he couldn't understand what she was thinking, her face staring at his abdomen as she tried to carefully wipe around the wound.

"Well, that's the first time you've seen me shirtless. This was not how this was supposed to go-" he said with a little chuckle as May froze, her hand hovering over him.

He watched in horror as tears rolled down her cheeks, the warm droplets falling on his bare stomach as her body shook with silent sobs. 

He slowly sat up and pulled her close as she cried.

"Meira..." he whispered as he rubbed her back slowly, her choking on air

"I alm-ost- los-t yo-u" she said as she looked at him, tears rolling down her face

"But you didn't, love... You didn't lose me. So stop crying..." Taehyung said as he felt his eyes well up too

"May?" they heard Trace call out as he walked into the room, "Is everything alright-" He stopped as he saw them, Meira's face buried in Tae's bare neck as he looked at Trace, tears in his eyes too.

He smiled as he walked up to them, finishing up the bandages as she slowly pulled away from Taehyung.

"I'm so sorry-"

She was cut off by Taehyung placing a finger on her lips.

"It wasn't your fault..."

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