30- Choices

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Jungkook woke up to Namjoon nodding off at his desk. He tried to quietly get out of the bed, Slowly peeling the covers off, tiptoeing towards the entrance, when he felt a hand grab his wrist.

"Come on bub, let's eat," Namjoon said as he pulled Jungkook back, making him sit down on the bed again.


They ate in silence, Namjoon occasionally serving Jungkook more food, pouring him some water.

Jungkook ate while looking around the room, now that he was well-rested. The entire room was clean and thoughtfully laid out, a shelf with a bunch of novels, a couple of small potted plants on the window sill, A stray Ryan plushie on his bed that Jungkook hadn't spotted before when he had crashed. He looked at Namjoon in interest, expecting him to ask him what had happened anytime. But he never did. Instead, he asked Jungkook if he'd slept well and if had eaten enough, while cleaning up their plates in the tiny bathroom attached to the room.

He sat back down and grabbed one of the novels off the shelf, 

"Do you want one too?" he asked. Jungkook nodded in affirmative. Namjoon picked one off the shelves and handed it to him "One of my personal favourites..." he said with a dimpled smile as he turned around, patting himself down in an attempt to find his glasses.

"Joon-" Jungkook said as he pointed at his forehead.

"AH! Why do I always put them there and forget about it?!" he said with a little chuckle as he sat back down on his chair.

Jungkook looked at the cover of the book

The Alchemist

He looked up at Namjoon, his head resting on one hand, the other flipping pages of the book on the desk.

"Namjoon... I wanted to ask you something..."

"Hmm?" Joon said as he closed the book, removing his glasses, giving Jungkook an encouraging smile, "What is it?"

'What would you do, if you did something and you regretted it after?"

Jungkook didn't know what he was referring to at this point. Whether it was the glare he shot at Taehyung, the way he encouraged Taehyung to ask Meira out, giving Meira the hair tie, the fact that he told Gloss about Meira-


so many regrets

"Based on what circumstances was that action taken? Was it something that could be avoided? Did you consider every other option? Or was it done in a fit of passion?"

He decided to stick to the one that hadn't let him sleep for a while now


"I did consider every option. I could've avoided it, but I didn't on a whim. And now it's eating away at me even though I know it was what I was supposed to do-"

"Why was it something you were supposed to do? That makes it seem like you had no choice... But in reality, you always have a choice don't you?" 

He did have a choice. he could've just deleted the message.

But Jiyun noona... his parents... his family... they didn't deserve that...

And even though he didn't know why Gloss had asked him to keep an eye on Meira, he knew he wouldn't have asked without good reason.

He ran his fingers through his hair, dropping his head in his hands, exhausted after thinking about a million things again...

"Jungkook-ah... I didn't mean to say it like that... it's just that, sure you always have a choice. but those choices are never really choices are they? Not when you have to consider a billion things for everything. Every choice is a step, a shift in the path of life... but you don't really know if it was wrong or right until much later... and sometimes you still don't find the answer..." he trailed off as Jungkook looked at him, his eyes shining with tears of frustration. Namjoon sighed as he got up and sat next to Jungkook, wrapping an arm around him, pulling him closer as Jungkook looked at the ceiling in an attempt to keep the tears from falling

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