12- Feels

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"Ughhhhhhh Fuc-" Jimin got up, a pounding headache making him fall back on his bed

"Language! Also, what were you expecting anyway?!" Taehyung said as he threw an aspirin while clutching his own head.

"I don't think I can go to class today-" Jimin said as he gulped down the tablet, covering himself with his duvet again.

Taehyung had no such luxury though. He had to work on the composition.

And he wanted to see Meira before she left

He didn't know why.


He smiled to himself as he double-checked his hair as he wore his beret, grabbing his bag before softly shutting the door behind him.


Meira got up with a smile, thinking about last night.

Jungkook supported (more like carried) Taehyung as they walked back to the dorms. He had sobered up a bit after passing out, helping Hoseok and her in cleaning up everything.

Meira pulled the barbecue as they walked, in silence.

"So... You never mentioned where you're going... Since you said you had some things to take care of before heading home, I'm guessing you aren't going home directly..." Jungkook asked, an innocent smile on his face

Meira almost slapped herself at her poor choice of words.

She had to go to the Kim mansion cause Taehyung's parents wanted to make sure their son was in capable hands.

She looked at Taehyung's face, flushed pink from all the alcohol, his head lolled to the side, his jaw slack, soft snores escaping his mouth.

She couldn't help but smile.

"Oh god, May. Don't tell me-" Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes, a mischievous grin on his face.


"You're falling for this dork aren't you," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Sure bub," May said, dismissing the notion. "Say what you want. If that makes you happy."

"Stop lying to yourself and it'll be easier for everyone... Man! is this guy heavy... sheesh!"

"What makes you think I'm lying? God JK, I thought you knew me!" Meira said with mock shock

"I know for a fact you enjoyed that night with Taehyung in that park..." Jungkook said softly

"Yeah, I enjoyed his company! Doesn't mean I like, like him!" Meira said as she laughed

"So so so, the hypothetical situation here. If you had to-"

"Nah Jungkook, let's not do that."

"Do what?"

"Don't ask me to choose between the both of you"

"Why not!" He said as he flashed a grin, poking fun at her "I promise I won't get offended if you choose him instead of me!"

"If I choose either of you, I lose, so I'm gonna choose both and that's that. Don't ask me to change that." Meira said as she walked a little faster, Jungkook jogging up to her to keep up

"Oh May, come on! Don't be such a spoilsport!"

"Kook, you're not gonna get an answer from me so... Might as well give it up"

Jungkook sighed as he fell into step with May.



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