48- Chills

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Second-year was coming to a close. Taehyung and Meira spent most of the ungodly hours working on their year-end projects, not seeing each other at all save for a rushed breakfast and passing out on the same bed. All seven of them milled about rarely meeting up amidst the flurry of work.

"You've got to be kidding me May," Trace said as he walked into the dining room to find Meira poring over her various sheets, her glasses on her nose as she added details to all of them.

Meira didn't look up, her head bopping occasionally to the unheard beat in her headphones. Trace walked up to her and pulled them off, Meira glaring at him in response.

"You know how much I hate it when you do that," she said as she reached out to take them from him, only to have him hold it up higher.

"Where's Taehyung?"

"I talked him into sleeping. Didn't take much convincing since he has been sitting up all day after all, " Meira said as she turned back to her sheets

"You've been sitting up all day, and all night for the past few days."

"Hey, I do sleep-"

"Catnaps don't count May. GO."

"Ah don't talk out loud it hurts my ears-"

"All the more of a reason for me to drag your sorry ass to bed," Trace said as he pulled back her chair

"Trace no I gotta finish this I've planned everything out-"

"Meira I'm not having any of this. You're getting a full night's sleep tonight whether you like it or not"

May sighed as she relented, taking the glasses off, slowly packing up her pencils.

"Meira... leave it, your hands are shaking for god's sake-" Trace said as he took the things from her hands, pushing her towards the bedroom.


May woke up with a pounding headache.

She had passed out the instant she hit the soft bed next to Taehyung, burying under the warm covers.

She looked over to the side to find Taehyung passed out, his mouth slack, tiny breaths blowing off stray hair on his face.

She grabbed her head as she carefully got out, shivering as she got out of the covers, her footsteps padding in the dark household at 5:30 in the morning.

She sat down at the dining table with a glass of water, the tablet in her hands, looking over the sheets again while taking reluctant sips.

Man did water on an empty stomach in the morning taste awful.

She felt a chill crawl up her spine, which prompted her to walk back into the room as quietly as she could.


Taehyung woke up to May facing him as she slept. He smiled when he saw her face, serene.

He reached out to touch her cheek when he registered the heat radiating off her face. He placed his cold fingers on her forehead, only to flinch.

She was burning up.

He looked at his phone

8:00 am

He nudged her

"Heyy May..."

"Hmmmph-" she said as she moved away from his cold hands, opening her eyes

"Meira you're burning up bub... Let's get some food in you huh? you need to eat a tablet-'

"Whaddaya mean burning up? I'm fine-" she said, barely audible, as she tried to prop herself up on her elbows, only to fall back on the bed, "Huh-"

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