16- Questions

593 53 13

Taehyung woke up with a start.

His head hurt.

Where was he?

His eyes registered his room, with its large glass windows, white walls and wooden floor. His childhood plush bear by his side.

"Oh! Are you up?" His mother said as she walked in, a glass of water with a couple of tablets on a tray.

"How's your head?", she asked as she sat on the bed, handing him the glass

"Pounding," Tae said as he grasped it, taking the tablets with his other hand, swiftly swallowing then and falling back on his pillow.

"I should think so. A concussion must be painful"

A concussion


"You" the driver had said as he looked at Taehyung like he'd asked the stupidest question ever.

How Namjoon looked at him when he asked him whether he liked crabs because of how they taste-

While he was holding a tiny baby crab in his hands

The cold metal in his hand brought him back to reality.

That and the fact that he heard his side door open, a hand grabbing him and pulling him out.


His driver sat next to the car, coughing up blood, clutching his stomach as Taehyung was escorted

With a gun to his head

Mr Choi and Mr Park stood at a safe distance, aiming their guns, trying to negotiate.

Until after what seemed like ages, they turned their heads towards the curtain of smoke, a black car coming through it at full speed, swerving to a stop near Taehyung's car, a masked figure jumping out and swiftly opening the back door in one concise motion.

She cursed as a tall man and a well built younger man got out of the car, standing behind her.


She marched forward, her steps sure, as she made her way towards him, occasionally dodging, kicking and shooting.

Taehyung remembered snapping out of his daze and attacking the man holding him, picking up his gun and aiming it at the man.

Before being slammed to the ground from behind.

He didn't immediately pass out cause he remembered noticing one significant thing



"Mom, who were those people?"

"What people?" She asked innocently

"The three people who arrived in a black car and took down the person who was holding me hostage-"

"What three people? Honey... Are you alright? The doctor did say you must've hit your head a bit. Hush now and rest. We had security from the house come rescue you the moment we heard the news-"

"Who attacked me and why-"

"Taehyung, honey... Sleep for now. We'll answer your questions after you get some rest okay? That was quite a day you had." She said as she patted his head, tucking him back in bed.

Taehyung relented, mostly because he was exhausted and his head was bothering him.

He sighed as he let darkness wash over him.

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