42- Rooms

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It took Taehyung three days to find the strength to sit up on his own. 

Two more to take hesitant steps to the balcony.

Five days of him being confined to a bed and subsequently, a wheelchair.

It broke Meira's heart as she helped him into the wheelchair, him trying his best to not put any of his weight on her, only for her to yell at him to not exert himself. He chuckled as he sat down on the chair.

"Who knew this day would come?" he said with a grin as Meira made sure everything was in working order, "At least I have great company!"

Meira gave him a weak smile as she gripped the handles, "Where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to the garden? It seems like ages since I stepped out."

Meira carefully brought Taehyung down, using a chair lift they had installed to get him to the ground floor, before wheeling him out into the garden.

He took a deep breath as Meira stood next to him, her hands in her pockets as she looked at the sky, the clouds moving slowly as the sky turned a faint shade of pink in the evening air. He reached out as tugged at her hand, pulling it out of the pocket, intertwining their fingers. She looked at him, before turning back.

He yanked her hand, making her fall, her hands landing on the armrests, her face inches from Taehyung's. He softly pecked her nose before whispering, "Stop beating yourself up..."

She looked away as he continued, "That hurts me more than any poisoning ever will. You didn't do anything wrong, Meira. It's not your fault. It was nobody's fault. Stop-" he fell forward on her shoulder, trying to not breathe too heavily.


"Stop it... please," he said between breaths

Meira looked him in the eyes as she kneeled in front of him, "Give me some time... I know it doesn't make sense right now, me behaving like this. But I can't help it Taehyung. I almost lost you. This is the second time-" Meira's voice cracked as Taehyung rested his head on her shoulder now, running his fingers through her loose hair.

"This is the second time I almost lost you... I don't know if I can live if anything happens again-"  she said as she buried her head in his neck, hugging him like he would disappear into thin air.

Taehyung sighed as he pulled her close feebly, as they stayed like that till the sun completely set over the horizon.

"MAY?! TAEHYUNG?-" they heard Trace call from the medical room, stopping when he spotted them from the balcony.

Trace walked down and gently patted May's back. "Let's have a proper meal at the dining table, hmm?"

May nodded as she stood up, still holding on to Taehyung's hand as Trace wheeled him into the house.


Jungkook flinched as Yoongi banged his hands on his desk, standing up.

Jungkook had received texts in the group chat from May.

And Taehyung.

They were in their command centre not far from the university. It was a small building disguised as one of the suburban houses in the area, not giving away the fact that it was a hideout for one of the strongest men in the underworld.

"It was supposed to END!" He yelled as Jungkook didn't meet his eyes, keeping a safe distance from Yoongi. For when Yoongi lost it, there was no telling what he would do next. 

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