19- Keys

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Taehyung practised playing the piano every day, all the while keeping an eye out for his three rescuers. After a couple of days, it was obvious that they weren't a part of the security.

The lavender was the only thing that bothered him.

But that was illogical too, considering lavender wasn't that rare of a scent.

So he pushed that thought to the back of his head as he played. Other than that, he would accompany his father in his office, learning some things. 

He was almost prepared to take over.

The keyword being almost

"But some things, you need to learn on your own" was what his father always said.

His mother would join him sometimes when he played, silently sipping on lemonade or whatever was her drink of the day. She'd smile as he played but ever so often he'd find her staring into the distance.


"Call me once you reach so that I know you arrived in one piece", May's father whispered into her ear as he wrapped her in a hug for one last time.

"I heard that-" Trace said as he scowled, before bursting into a grin.

"I will. Call me more often will you?" Meira said as she playfully punched his chest.

"I'll try honey. Take care of yourself and Trace. The both of you are all I have."

"Don't talk like that. It'll be harder for me to leave. Besides, I'm not going anywhere for the rest of your life so you're stuck with me!" She said as she broke the hug, holding his hands instead.

"I sure hope so." He said as he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it.

Two weeks had changed them a lot.

Sure, he still tried to put a strong facade but for the first time in ages, May saw through that. He'd started tucking her into bed every night like before, glad to have his daughter back. And though May found it kinda weird in the beginning, she started looking forward to it.

After all, they did only have each other in their twisted messed up world...

"Ahem", Trace said as he opened the back door, gesturing May to get in.

"I'll get going then.."


Meira took in her empty dorm room. Lauryn and the others wouldn't be back for a couple more days, so it was just her. And Trace
Trace had gotten a place a couple of minutes from the campus. 

 A low-key penthouse.

"I'd prefer you'd stay with me instead of this dorm", Trace said as he helped May with some of the things in the room

"And I'd prefer you not scale the walls of this building ever again. I swear to god Trace, what if someone saw you? A pervert is not a very good label on a person-" she was cut off by a pillow hitting her face, as Trace fell on Lauryn's bed.

"I'm being serious May, I'd prefer to keep an eye on you at all times"

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I'm supposed to be normal remember?"

Trace sighed as he got up and grabbed May's shoulders "not when you have a mafia leader out to get you"

She shrugged him off as she put the last batch of clothes in her cupboard, "Fine if it makes you feel better, I will stay with you till Lauryn comes back. But after that, you're leaving me alone, except for our training time"


"Now, GET OUT. I still have a couple of things to sort out and I have to go work on the installation, so get out before anyone gets suspicious about the voices in this room," she said as she shoved him towards the window.

"Be back soon-," he said as he looked out the window.

"Yes okay, now GO!"

She sighed as she fell onto her bed, wincing once her back hit the hard mattress.

There were some things you didn't miss once you went home for vacations, and one of those was definitely the bed.
 She stared at the ceiling for a while, missing the stars from her room, before throwing on a coat and making her way to the art department.


"How many days are you gonna take for that installation?" Trace asked as he turned the keys in the door, immediately making his way to the mini refrigerator in the living room and throwing May a pack of apple juice while cracking open a cold one for himself.

"Two days and Lauryn will be back by then so I won't be coming back here after-" she answered as she plopped down on one of the leather couches.

"And there's another certain someone you're looking forward to meeting too~" 

"Trace"  she warned

"I'm kidding!"

"I didn't know you'd behave like this. This is high-key surprising," she said as she sipped, looking out the large window

"Believe me, I'm surprised too. But I can't seem to help it, it's just too much fun!" he said with a little giggle that made Meira question her hearing.


It was three in the afternoon as Taehyung walked into the campus, towing his wheeled suitcase behind him. But, instead of heading to the dorms, he went straight to the music department.

Meira had finished the structure for the installation. Now all they had to do was add the pictures and other bits and bobs and rig up a sound system.

He had discussed with Professor Min about his piece and they had decided he could play it the day after tomorrow, in one of the auditoriums.

So, he made his way to the auditorium in question, anxiously flexing his fingers, readjusting his beret.

He'd been practising for ages now. It was all he'd been doing, save for taking pictures and reading novels. 

So, playing it on the piano intended for the performance filled him with excitement and anticipation.

He rolled the suitcase in, leaving it in a corner by the top steps, walking down cautiously, sheet music in hand.

This auditorium was for special occasions, like graduation recitals and performances by faculty. He hadn't realised it when Professor Min had told him the room number over the phone.

It was one of the smaller more intimate halls. The entire room was done up with rich red velvet with gold details. The stage housed a pure white piano. It looked magnificent against the dark hardwood flooring, a spotlight shining on its ivory keys. 

 He walked down the carpeted steps, holding his breath. 

He seated himself on the stool, placing his sheet music, taking in the fact that he was sitting on the seat where so many amazing pianists had sat before him.

"It's a beauty isn't it?" A voice echoed, causing Taehyung to jump

Yoongi walked in with his usual coffee cup, smiling at Taehyung.

"I wanted to let you practice on peace, but they wanted a faculty member to monitor  the student in question so here I am. Don't mind me though, I'll be wearing these and be passed out in a corner," he said as he gestured to the noise-cancelling headphones around his neck.

"You're not gonna listen?"

"Oh no. I want to listen to it on the day. I can't wait for the final performance!" he said as he grinned, before taking one of the corner seats in the back of the room.

Taehyung hesitated before placing his fingers on the pristine keys.

But once he did, he felt at home. Taking a deep breath, he started.


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