26- Meanings

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The second year of uni officially started about a week after the installations were dismantled, which led to everyone being wrapped up in the flurry of activity that ensues with the beginning of the new year. The only time the seven of them met was during dinner time, where all of them were pretty much dead for the day.

Taehyung and Meira would sometimes walk around the campus after if they had the energy.

It was the end of the week as they walked, in lesser layers since the weather out now was warmer.
"How was your day?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the clear moonless sky, walking on the cobblestoned path lined by trees.

"Tiring but pretty fun. Then again what's new? What about you? Composed anything new today?"

"No, not really. We are working on a new Chopin recital so that took ages. Haven't been able to go and mess around in the piano room on my own."

They followed the path as it lazily curved around the trees, a subtle breeze blowing through the leaves, hands brushing occasionally.

Meira yawned and tripped on her feet a couple of times, cursing loudly every time it happened making Taehyung laugh out loud. The third time it happened, he turned on his heel and pulled her closer, walking back to their dorms.

"You're tired aren't you? Lean on me and let's go back. That's enough for today..." He said as he tightened his hand around her, giving her a smile before looking ahead.

Meira's head went blank as she clung to his side, so close that she could smell the dull scent of his perfume. Vanilla.

"Why'd you choose lavender?" Taehyung asked, his bangs falling on his face as he looked at her


"As your perfume I mean... I  chose vanilla because it reminded me of cakes and desserts and happier times"

"Something about lavender... How it's comforting and mysterious at the same time..."

"It suits you perfectly, that description"

Meira smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder, holding onto his hand as they walked back. "Comforting? Really?"

"And you don't even know..." He said, shaking his head with mock disappointment.

He looked down at their hands and held them up, noticing that her hands didn't have any ink on them.
In fact, he hadn't seen it for ages

"Why'd you stop doing that? Drawing on your hands I mean..."

She looks at him curiously, "I stopped long ago. I used to draw when things bothered me... Flowers and vines reminded me that I could grow even the walls were made of concrete... So when things got tough or uncertain, I'd draw to calm myself down. I haven't felt the need to do that for a while now"

"I'm glad to hear that"

They walked back into the night, arms intertwined around each other.


Meira's phone woke her up from a dreamless sleep. She groggily tried to grab it off her desk, only to fall out of bed.
Rubbing her head she took the phone. It was Trace.

"I haven't seen you all week! Are you alive?" Trace asked, his voice muffled like his mouth was full

"Yes Trace, very much alive, and hurt"

"What?! May-"

"Oh no, nothing like that... It's just that, I fell off my bed so don't worry about me"

"I sometimes wonder how you're so agile when you keep falling off of beds-" he says chuckling, remembering all the times he ran up to her room when she was younger when he heard a loud thump, only to find her sleeping soundly on the floor.

"It's not funny if it keeps happening. It's just plain annoying," she said as she got up from the floor, fully awake now.

"Got any plans for today?"

"No, not really... I mean we're meeting up at Jimin's and Lauryn's apartment later in the evening for dinner but other than that nope-"

"Great! Be here in half an hour for training! We've skipped a week and we can't afford to lose another day-"

She groaned as she cut the call, throwing her phone on the bed as she made her way to her small cupboard, her eyes falling on the holstered gun at the back of the shelf.

"I guess I need the practice," she said as she wore it under her jacket, wearing her shoes shortly after, running out of the door.

Jungkook almost called out to her as he saw her jog out of the dorms, going in the direction opposite to the cafeteria.


He looked around before he started tailing her, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible.


"What the heck?"
He whispered as he saw Meira type a code and enter one of the fanciest apartments close to the campus.

Keep an eye on Meira too-

"Shut up" he whispered under his breath before he turned around and walked back to the campus, contemplating on whether he should tell his boss on what he had just seen.


Meira, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook walked on the streets, following Jungkook who was using GPS to lead them to Jimin's and Lauryn's apartment.

The sun was setting, a cool breeze blowing along the busy streets as they carefully followed Jungkook who jogged ahead, shouting directions.

They ended up standing in front of a modest apartment

"The fifth floor!" Jungkook said as he stepped in, searching for the elevators.


"Hi hi!" Lauryn said as she opened the door.

The apartment was bigger than they expected, with two bedrooms and an open plan living room, the kitchen and dining was one integrated space. The entire place was done up in such a way that it was light and airy, a lot of cushions scattered here and there, surrounding a flat-screen TV.

"This place is really cool!" Hoseok said as he plopped down on the couch

"You never told us how you afforded it-" Namjoon said as he seated himself too

"Ahh... Well, my parents never wanted me to live in the dorms for some peculiar reason, so this place was  reserved and rented from the first day of the first year-"

"So you're rich rich eh?" Taehyung said as he sat on the floor, hugging one of the stray cushions as Meira sat down next to him.

"I mean it's not my money so no, I'm not as you so poetically put it, rich rich. Call me that once I start earning-" he said with a smile as he walked around the apartment, making sure everyone was comfortable, passing out soft drinks with Lauryn.

"May I?" Jungkook asked suppressing his excitement as best he could while hovering over the CD case filled with game CDs.

"Knock yourself out, I mean, you all are here for this aren't you," Jimin said with a chuckle as he handed the case along with the controllers, switching on the system.

"Wait wait! What's it going to be for dinner? A pizza party-" Lauryn said as she waved takeout menus with one hand, her phone in the other.

A loud cheer erupted from everyone as Jungkook and Taehyung sat down to play games the rest of them gathering around the screen.

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