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Jungkook sat in a corner, his head in his knees as he shivered in fear, his sister hugging him, whispering soothing words, occasionally humming a tune.

"We'll be fine Kookie... believe me, okay?"

He looked at her, tears streaming down his face as she smiled, removing his unkempt hair from his eyes.

"Ahhh Jungkook-ah... I told you to get a hair cut, didn't I?  Here-" she said as she undid her hair, pulling the hair tie out, tying Jungkook's hair up in a floofy pony above his head, giggling once she was done. 

"There... now I can finally see your beautiful eyes!" she said with a smile that crinkled her nose

The shooting got louder as they heard more footsteps outside their door. 

"Noona~" he whispered when he saw her look at the door in panic.

"Jungkook... be a good boy and stay here. No stepping out of this room. No matter what. I'll buy you an entire crate of banana milk once I'm back?"

"Don't go- DON'T GO!  Jiyun noona!" He yelled as she walked towards the door. She jogged back to him and petted his head, wiping the tears off his face.

"Hush now Jungkook! I'll be fine, I promise. Be a good little boy and be very quiet okay? They must not find you!"

He nodded his head quietly. She kissed his forehead, lingering a while to look at his face before slowly opening the door, stepping out.

She never came back.

Jungkook had stayed awake the entire time, waiting, looking at the door in earnest.

When the door finally opened, it wasn't Jiyun who opened it, but a tired Gloss, tears drying on his cheek, a blank expression on his face.

"Jungkook-ah..." he said before he collapsed, his knees hitting the ground with a loud thud. He looked at the ground, wiping his face, before extending his arms out to Jungkook, beckoning him. 

Jungkook timidly crawled on the floor up to his cousin brother, letting himself be wrapped in a hug.

"Hyung... what about Jiyun noona?" He asked as he buried his head in Gloss's chest.

Gloss took a shaky breath before saying "Ahh Jiyun noona has gone to a place really far away... a beautiful place."

"Is she going to come back?" he asked him with wide eyes, his ponytail now hanging low on his head, the hair tie almost slipping out.

Gloss chuckled, his voice cracking, as he removed it carefully, putting it on Jungkook's wrist instead "No... Kookie... she isn't coming back..."


Jungkook choked down a sob before shooting up from the bed to wash his face.

This had happened ten years ago. Jungkook was  9 then. Gloss, 17.

He splashed the cold water on his face, looking at himself, his eyes and nose red, his face wet with tears and water. 

"Promise me you will do whatever it takes to help me. We are going to avenge them all. Even Jiyun" Gloss had said after sliding him a smiling picture of Kim Taehyung, before turning around, looking out the window of the study 

"I promise," he said to his back, looking at the picture with spite

Jungkook wiped his face and walked out of the bathroom, picking up his phone, pressing send. 

He stared at the phone, before throwing it on his bed.

 He then calmly sat down on the bed, burying his head in a pillow. 

Proceeding to scream till his voice gave out.


Taehyung met up with Meira at the sports arena after class. She walked on the large steps, occasionally jumping down and climbing up as he walked up to her, steeling himself.

"Heya! you wanted to see me?" she called out as she stood on one of the higher steps, Taehyung looking up at her

"Yeah... do you mind coming down?"

She obliged, hopping down the steps, landing in front of him



"I um wanted to apologise for yesterday.. for um drunk kissing you? It was completely inappropriate and a violation of consent and I'm so sorry I vow to never drink again-"

Meira laughed at that, ruffling his hair, "Apology accepted. The next time you pull something like that, do not be surprised if you wake up with a red bruise across your cheek" she said as she walked away, chuckling

"Why did you not do it this time then? You totally could have!" he said as he caught up with her, confusion on his face

Meira stopped and flicked his forehead, before taking off in a sprint.

"HEY! COME ON! THIS IS NOT FAIR!!" he yelled as he ran after her, tripping over his feet twice before running like the wind."


"Have ya'll seen Jungkook today?" Meira asked as she sat down, looking at Hoseok

"I went back to the dorms after practice today and I found him passed out on the bed. He said he wasn't going to join us today,"

"Was he alright?" Taehyung asked, worry lacing his tone

"He seemed fine to me. What do you mean by fine though?"

"Well the other day too, he walked out and was wandering the streets... and yesterday too, Namjoon told me he went out the room when I kis-" Taehyung trailed off, becoming a blushing mess

"Has he told you anything?" Namjoon asked Meira to which she just nodded her head.

"We'll give him some space for now. Hobi will keep an eye on him and he might come to class tomorrow too, so let's not worry about it too much. He goes quiet sometimes..." Jimin said 

Taehyung couldn't shake off the uneasiness he felt. He remembered the fire in Jungkook's eyes the other day before something clicked into place and he smiled that familiar smile.

Taehyung shivered before he shook his head, taking out his phone and typing a message to Jungkook before putting it back in his pocket.












*Worried laughter*

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