27- Decisions

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The pizzas arrived and Jimin went to a corner of the kitchen island, pressing a button, revealing a minibar.

"You've got to be kidding me-" Meira said as she saw Jimin removing cold cans, standing up to help him

"Hey, what's a party without a few cold ones"

"How are your parents okay with this?"

"They don't mind, as long as it's not a regular thing and as long as I don't get completely wasted," he said as he handed her a couple of cans.

"And I ensure that" Lauryn calls over her shoulder, her eyes glued to the screen as she battled it out with Namjoon.


The sat on the floor, trying to play Jenga.

Which was ridiculously hard when you're drunk-

Meira sipped on her now warm can of beer as she steadily pried the pieces out, everyone protesting that it wasn't fair, her being sober.

Jimin leaned against Lauryn for support, letting out a little yawn, and she smiled "I should tuck this one in," she said as she helped him up, leading him to the bedroom.

Namjoon leaned in towards the shaky tower, looking at it from various angles, considering the best possible piece while Hoseok yelled at him to pick a piece already

"May!!!! Mayyyyyyy~" Taehyung whined as he patted her shoulder multiple times.

Jungkook looked on, sipping his beverage as Taehyung messed with Meira drunkenly.

"Tae stop-" she said as she tried to take the can from him

"No! I want that-"

"May you're sooooo pretty-" he said dreamily as he rested his head on his hands

Jungkook groaned and got up from there, walking to the balcony instead.

Meira blushed as she said, "yeah Taehyung I know that, now gimme that you've had enough-"

Taehyung cut her off by kissing her, making Namjoon and Hoseok stop their bickering, staring as Meira sat there wide-eyed as Taehyung continued to lean into the kiss, before breaking it and giving her a lopsided grin

"We should do that more-" he said as he passed out, knocking down the Jenga tower, Namjoon and Hobi looking at Meira with a dazed expression. their mouths open

"What'd I miss?" Lauryn asked as she walked, looking at the surprised expressions on three faces, with Taehyung sprawled on the floor with a smile on his lips.

Meira stood up, leaning onto the sofa for support, before walking out to the balcony, hands in her pockets.

She saw Jungkook leaning over the edge, drinking a fresh can of beer.

"I thought you were a lightweight," she said as she walked up to him

"Get drunk? Because of this?" He asked as he held up the can with a smirk, "this isn't even real alcohol-"

"And you would know what real alcohol is, huh?" She asked as she stood next to him, her back leaning against the railing.

"More than you'd think," he said with a smile.

The conversation died down as they looked into the apartment, where Lauryn, Namjoon and Hoseok had started a new, more chaotic game of Jenga.

Meira untied her braid, shaking her head as she ran her fingers through it, trying to process what had just happened

The taste of alcohol lingering on her lips

She smiled and reached up to tie her hair in a ponytail, only to launch the hair tie down the balcony.

Jungkook laughed as she cursed

"Hope nobody got hurt. That was a deadly projectile-"

Meira sighed as she turned to look at him, an amused smirk on her lips

"Here.." he said as he rolled up his sleeves, pulling out a light pink hair tie.


"Don't ask. Turn around"

He tied up her hair, taking extra care to not pull on her hair, turning her around to admire his work.

"Perfect," he said with a bright smile, before turning around to face the twinkling city again, a lazy breeze blowing his unkempt hair.


"I didn't know you had it in you!" Namjoon said as he threw an arm across Taehyung's shoulder as they walked to the cafeteria the next day for lunch


"Don't tell me you don't remember... You really can't hold your alcohol well, can you?  You kissed May"

"I did WHAT?" Taehyung yelled, horrified

"Wow. Judging by that reaction, I'm going to assume that was your first kiss with her" Namjoon said with a chuckle "and what a memorable one too..., not to you though"

"Oh my god, I need to apologise to her! Who else was around?"

"Only Hobi. Jungkook had gone out to the balcony and Lauryn had gone to put Jimin to bed."

Taehyung shuddered thinking about himself being drunk, probably saying stupid shit, before kissing Meira.

He looked up to see Meira up ahead, her headphones on as she lazily walked to the cafeteria too, looking at the sky, occasionally kicking a pebble.

"Oh hey! Mei-" Namjoon yelled, only to be cut off by Taehyung shutting him up with his hand. 

They stood in place as she rounded a corner, disappearing from their view. Taehyung let Namjoon go, who looked at him with a smirk before saying "wait- was Meira alone?"


"Where's Jungkook? Aren't they part of the same class?"


Jungkook hadn't shown up for class that day.

"Perfect"  he'd said as he brushed off a few stray tendrils off her face.

Thinking about it, Meira remembered a couple of other times she'd spotted that hair tie under his long sleeves. She'd brushed it off, thinking it was a bracelet or band of sorts. Meira kicked a stone as she walked to the cafeteria in the afternoon sun.


Jungkook sighed as he laid in bed, contemplating pressing send on the message he had typed out.

Meira was spotted entering 512 Tacenda apartments. Floor of destination flat unknown.

He sat up and tapped his feet, looking at the phone on his desk.

Did he really want to do this?

He had to keep an eye on Meira

So she was just another assignment.

But he didn't like the fact that he didn't know the motive behind this.

He closed his eyes as he fell back on his bed, replaying the chain of events that had led him here.












ISTG someone keep the soju away from Taehyung, please-

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