29- Unsettled

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Jungkook walked into the class, unable to bring himself to look at Meira. He drew his hood over his eyes for the entirety of the day, as Meira kept looking at him from the corner of her eyes.

When she did finally call out to him, asking him about lunch, he looked at her with a blank look, his eyes unfocused. He nodded his head in a no before lying down on the desk, passing out almost immediately.

Meira cleared up his desk as best she could, packing up his stray colour pencils and sketchbook, before kneeling down and taking a good look at his sleeping face.

He had gone pale, with noticeable bags under his eyes, his jaw slack as he let out tiny snores.

What had kept him up all night?  May wondered as she walked out of the class, calling Taehyung on her phone.


"Do you know what's up with Jungkook?" she asked as they were back in the ornate corner of the art department, sitting on one of the window seats, eating cold sandwiches.

"No... He isn't responding to my messages and Hobi said he's just moving around their dorm like a zombie..." Taehyung said as he stared at his sandwich, biting his lip.

"He looks like he hasn't slept for days..." Meira said, her voice trailing off in the end.

"I'll ask Namjoon to talk to him. If there's anyone he'll open up to at this point, it must be Joon."

"Oh oh and ask him if Jungkook was alright when they were working on the installation too... and if he has mentioned anything before this." 

Meira quietly nodded, finishing the rest of her sandwich in two bites, washing it down with ice tea. She looked into the inner courtyard of the building, humming softly as Taehyung ate the rest of his lunch.

She was wearing an orange and yellow sundress with boots and a little hat, her earphones hanging off her neck. The dress billowed in the warm breeze, the unkempt strands of her hair from her braid moving in sync with the skirt. Light glinted off her asymmetrical earrings casting reflections on her face

He had to remind himself to keep eating because he constantly found himself stop mid-bite to stare at her. 

She looked at her watch, before looking at him and he found himself taking a sharp inhale.

"Tae, you done? We gotta go if we want to make it in time for class," she said as she swung off the window seat, packing up all her plates and napkins.

"Yeah- gimme a minute," he said as he scarfed down the rest of his meal, much to May's dismay, before hastily cleaning up everything. She chuckled when he turned, a smear of ketchup across his face. 

"Here..." she said as she wiped it off with a tissue, him stiffening at her touch.

Taehyung sighed as she put the napkin in her trash bag. She turned around and leaned in, a hair's breadth from his face.

"You'd think, after you had the confidence to kiss me, you'd be able to handle me cleaning up your face..." she said with a smirk before pecking his nose, turning around.

Taehyung stood there speechless as he saw Meira stop at the corner, "Don't you have places to be, Mr Kim Taehyung?" she asked with a flutter of her lashes, sending a chill up his spine. He rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile, biting his lip in a teasing way before he jogged up to her, falling in step next to her.

He grabbed her hand and twirled her around, wrapping an arm around her waist.

She looked up at him, his eyes wide as he leaned in, closer.

"Don't tempt me, May~" he whispered, his lips brushing hers.

He let her go and walked ahead, a satisfied grin on his face as she leaned against the wall for support, confusion being replaced with annoyance.



Meira entered her class, a lunch bag in one hand, her eyes falling on Jungkook's desk, stopping mid-step when she saw that it was empty. 

She fished out her phone and dialled Hoseok's number as she walked to her desk, dropping the paper bag on his desk. 

She threw her hat on her chair when she got sent to voice mail for the second time, sighing as she sat down soon after.

Hobi would be at practice.. she couldn't blame him and he probably would have no clue either. Meira looked out the window and thought

Where the hell are you Jungkook and what is going on...


Jungkook walked aimlessly around the campus, standing out in an all-black full sleeve outfit in the afternoon sun. 
He hadn't been able to sleep properly after he had pressed send that day. 

And Gloss had been dangerously quiet too, not asking Jungkook why he had been skipping his training sessions.

"Jungkook?" He heard Namjoon call out from behind him. He didn't stop though, walking forward in small steps

Namjoon jogged forward and placed an arm on his shoulder.

"We need to talk..."


Namjoon handed him a pack of banana milk as he sat down next to him, the mattress sinking under his weight.

They were in Namjoon's independent dorm room. Jungkook mostly kept his eyes on the ground as he poked in the straw, staring at the bottle, not taking any sips.

Namjoon sat next to him in silence, waiting till he decided to talk.

He reluctantly brought the straw to his lips, his hands shaking with exhaustion. Namjoon took the bottle from his hands, holding it up for him instead.

"Jungkook-ah..." he said, worry lacing his tone as he saw Jungkook look at him with lifeless eyes.

"Can I... sleep here?" he asked in a small voice, making Namjoon's heartbreak.

"Of course... and I'll be right here okay?"

Jungkook gave a small nod as he lied down, letting himself be tucked in by Joon. 

Namjoon kept an eye on Jungkook, his eyes filled with worry as Jungkook passed out into a dreamless sleep.

He texted Taehyung and Hoseok, filling them in on the situation.


"I'll let him sleep for as long as he wants-" Namjoon whispered into the receiver

"I wish I could've been a better roommate... but I was just too tired every day-" Hoseok said, his voice cracking

"No. Don't say that. You did your best. It's okay. Sometimes we can't do what is needed... don't blame yourself" Taehyung said over the conference call, regret lacing his tone

"Both of you stop blaming yourselves. Jungkook is pretty quiet when it comes to all this and let's be honest here, he'd not want the both of you to blame yourselves... Can one of you bring us dinner? I don't want to leave him alone, especially since the last time May did that, he disappeared."

Hoseok and Taehyung both decided to bring them dinner. 

Taehyung cut the call and looked at Meira, who was sitting across from him in the cafeteria, looking at him in question

"He's sleeping for now. I'll be going with Hobi to give them their dinner for the night."

"Do you know anything... anything at all about why he might be like this?" Meira asked as she desperately racked her brain for answers


"I guess we need to hear it from him then..."

Taehyung took her hand and gave it a light squeeze as he looked at her with a sad smile.
I updated the playlists yesterday!
don't forget to vote! Tysm for reading!❤️

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