33- Natural

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They sat around the table, prying apart the piping hot slices of pizza as Trace poured out cola for everyone.

"Did he tell you? About moving in here? And about training?" Trace asked as he set down the bottle

"Yup," she said before looking at Taehyung, who had stopped mid-bite, a string of mozzarella hanging off his mouth "Taehyung, we're gonna have to shift here. After today, dad said we can't take any chances when it comes to safety. And, you'll be joining us when we train every day from tomorrow. Your father wants you to be prepared... Is that alright?"

He nodded his head as he said, "Move in? here?? That sounds amazing!"

"I knew this boy had taste!" Trace said as he high fived Taehyung, before leaning in to whisper "I honestly don't know what you saw in Meira though-"

"I heard that Trace. Now shut up and eat before I point a gun at your head again," Taehyung looked at her in alarm, making Trace laugh out loud "Be careful with her, she's a feisty one!"

"I know!" Taehyung said a grin replacing the shock, making Meira smile involuntarily too.

Trace patted his back as they ate, the three of them.


"I have a couch in my room" Trace said as he leaned against Meira's bedroom door, watching her hand Taehyung some spare blankets and pillows for the night.

"No it's alright, I'll manage on the couch in the living room!"

"Okay then..." he said as he turned around, "I'll turn in for the night. Good night", shutting the door behind him.

Taehyung stood still as Meira gave him the comforter and pillows, looking around the plain room.

"Is your room back home like this too? Sparse-"

"Kind of. It's grey with a simple bed and a bookshelf, but that's about it. I do have a studio attached back home though, that's the complete opposite of my bedroom when it comes to decor-"

"Oh! In what way?"

"Its generally brighter, since the walls are white, not slate grey. And I have my fandom merch in there too, along with a dozen painted canvases in various stages of completion"

"I'd love to see it one day!"

"I'd like for you to see it too~," she said with a smile as she closed the cupboard door, taking the pillows off of the pile in Taehyung's hands, "Let's get you settled for the night now shall we? We've had a long day..."


"What is up with you guys dating and then moving into your own apartments?!" Hoseok practically yelled while banging his fist in the table, making all their plates rattle, "What do you guys even want to do that you can't do in the dorms-" his eyes widened "No don't answer that-"

Lauryn smacked the back of Hoseok's head "Get your mind out of the gutter Hobi! There are so many reasons to get an apartment for yourself. For one, the flexible hours, and you learn to be independent-"

"And if brings you closer, living with each other" Jimin chimes in "although you also end up learning a lot of new interesting things about your friend-" he said, earning him a smack from Lauryn "I'm going to stop you right there-"

"Oh the stories I could narrate-" Jimin whispered, leaning in towards Hoseok

"You're not entering the apartment today. I have the keys" Lauryn said

"And this is one of the disadvantages- I'm sorry Lauryn please don't kick me out-"

They laughed as Meira thought about what Jungkook and Namjoon must be up to now.

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