31- Faze

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May sidestepped to dodge his attack before swiftly switching her blade from her right hand to her left, stabbing the man in the gut in one smooth motion. He grunted as he fell, clutching his stomach.

The man in the centre looked at her horrified

"You messed with the wrong pretty girl, asshole"

She charged at the man on the left, throwing her blade at the man in the centre, it lodging firmly in his neck, kicking the left guy in the shin making him fall while simultaneously disarming him, taking his blade and slicing his throat. She walked up to the leader, who was on his knees now, trying to pry the silver blade out. She stood over him and ripped away the scarf covering his face. 

"Now that was amateurish," she held up the blade to his neck "Tell me, who do you work for?" she growled

The man's face twisted in pain, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he tried to talk, "Vincent-" 

"Well, that was a stupid move, considering Vincent is pretty much rotting in hell at this point. And now you're going to join him aren't you, pretty boy?" she said as she tilted his chin up with the blade, earning her a small whimper

 She leaned in and whispered, "Tell him L and Orion send their warmest regards," she said as she pulled her blade out of his neck, punching him square in the face, knocking him out as blood poured out of his neck.

She dropped the blade from her hands, wiping her own on the man's discarded scarf, folding it up and putting it in her pocket, before calling Trace. 

She turned around, holding the phone to her ear, waiting for Trace to pick up, her eyes falling on a figure in a corner by the shopping bags.

Taehyung looked at her horrified, his face pale as he stood there, eyes wide, mouth agape, looking at the three bodies scattered on the ground around them.

"Hello? May? Are you alright?"  she heard Trace ask at the other end of the receiver.

She blinked a couple of times before saying "We've got a bit of a situation. And it involves three dead bodies-"

She heard Trace jump up and scurry about as he asked her for more details. She slowly dropped the phone from her ears as she still looked at Taehyung, who had collapsed on his knees at this point, staring at with unbridled shock.

"Tae- I can explain-"


Meira took a few hesitant steps forward, only to see Taehyung scoot back. She stopped mid-step when she heard him whimper.

"I'm so sorry,"  she said as she sat on the ground, trying to think how she could fix this.

Her mind drew a blank as she looked down at her blood-splattered dungarees and sneakers.


Trace arrived pretty soon, cursing when he saw Taehyung in a corner and Meira in the centre of the alley, a blank look on her face as she stared at the ground, surrounded by three bodies. 

He made a couple of calls before saying "In the car, both of you, now"


Taehyung didn't know what to think anymore. 

He looked out the window, thinking about all the times he'd seen her sneaking around, her hood drawn, her movements cautious.

All the signs were there, plain as day. He'd just been blind

Her ability to not get tired easily

The way she was ridiculously fast, in any shoes and any terrain

Her clothes always practical

The secrets she held in her eyes

He looked at the back of her head.

He didn't know her, did he?


They followed Trace into the penthouse. Trace gestured to the couch. Meira sat on one of the armchairs, not looking at Taehyung, who took the couch while Trace took the other armchair, facing May.

They sat in silence till Trace cleared his throat. 

"How much does he know?"


Taehyung looked at Trace, trying to figure out who this random silver-haired man was. The way he spoke to Meira they knew each other since ages. 

Her brother?

"Okay. so," Trace said as he turned to look at Taehyung

"Wait," Taehyung said as all the pieces fell into place, "It was you guys wasn't it? The day of the shooting? I remember you, I remember a girl and lavender" he turned to Meira "That was you wasn't it May?"

Meira gave a small nod, still not meeting his eyes.

"Yes, Taehyung, that was us. And yes, we know who you are and where you live and all that. I'll tell you everything you need to know, but before I do, I need to know if you're willing to trust us"

Meira looked up at that, an unreadable expression on her face as she regarded Taehyung in that dimly lit living room.

Meira had saved his life twice now. So, she definitely was on his side, that much was sure...

"Okay... I trust you,"  he leaned forward, "now, answers"

"May here was assigned to keep an eye on you, to protect you, by her father, who was asked to do so by your parents"

Trace went on to tell him about the threat they had received regarding his life, skimming over the details, avoiding mentioning Gloss and all that.

"So you're telling me, a very powerful mafia leader is after my life and Meira was assigned to protect me, so she has to stick by my side for the rest of my years here and then she will disappear?" he looked at Trace before looking at May, questions on his face

"Was any of this real? Or was all this a ploy to stick by me?" he asked in a small voice

Meira sighed as she looked at him pleadingly "This wasn't part of the plan Tae. I was not supposed to date you-"

Taehyung got up and went to the balcony in exasperation as May looked at the floor again.

"May... go get changed..." 

Meira got up wordlessly and went to her room.

Trace looked at Taehyung's back at the balcony, before ruffling his hair and walking up to him.










The way I listened to Dionysus on loop when writing the action sequence-

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