36- Priorities

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Taehyung hadn't seen Meira all day. They had been busy, him helping Namjoon with the composing and Meira buried under the mid-term projects. So when he saw her sitting on the couch as he entered the house, her headphones on as she sketched something, her face stoic as she concentrated, he felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his heart. Not wanting to disturb her, he went and cleaned up for the day, changing into shorts and a loose tee. 

He walked into the living room, only to find her lying down now, looking at the ceiling as her fingers played with her hair. He walked up to her and she looked at him and smiled, removing her headphones as she sighed with exhaustion.

Taehyung sat on the edge, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Sometimes I hate taking this major. So many things to think about. So many things that you need to calculate-"

"Ahh but it has it's moments too doesn't it?" he said with a smile as he saw her go through internal conflict, "Don't tell me you don't enjoy seeing something you thought up come to life.."

"But it's just so much work"

Taehyung stared at her, a thoughtful expression on his face before he said,

"Are you ticklish?"


"We've been dating now for what? Six months? And I don't know if you're ticklish or not-" he said as he flexed his fingers as Meira's eyes widened.

"No Taehyung don't-" she said before he attacked her with a giggle. He kneeled on the edge of the sofa as he tickled her, the both of them laughing loudly as Meira gasped for breath, screaming at Taehyung to stop. 

He got so caught up with tickling her that he leaned dangerously backwards

"woAH-" he yelled as he felt himself tip backwards. Meira got up and pulled his arm before he fell, yanking him back up. 

He fell on top of her, laughing at the chain of events.

Before he realised how close they were

Literally on top of each other, faces centimetres apart close-

She looked at him, laughing in his face before she realised too, her euphoria being replaced by nervousness. He saw her glance at his lips for a split second, before looking back into his eyes.

But that was all he needed.

He leaned in, brushing his lips on hers, feeling her breath hitch at that.

Before she closed the distance.


"well-" Taehyung said with a nervous chuckle

"We should do that more" Meira said with a smirk 

"Why are you smiling like that-" Taehyung buried his head in his hands as Meira scooted closer to him, laughing. She removed his hands, him having an embarrassed smile as he tried to turn away. 

She held his cheeks, leaning in, planting a soft peck on his lips.

"Drunk Taehyung was onto something," she said as she smiled against his lips, making him even more flustered.

She drew back and looked at him, his hair a mess, his tee-shirt hanging loosely over his frame as he touched his ears with a sheepish smile, not meeting her eyes.

"Dinner?" she asked as she stood up from the couch

"Yes please!"


They were eating cup ramen as Trace walked in, leaning against the doorframe as he watched them talk and laugh.

Meira looked up "Long day Trace? Ramen?"

"I'd like that... thanks, May" 

Meira nodded as she got up, walking up to the stove to boil the water.

"So...." Taehyung started tentatively

"What is it?"

"Are you guys really siblings? I mean Meira calls her dad well, her dad, whereas you refer to him as boss-"

"Ahhh there's a long story to that, but no, I'm not her *blood sibling* but we're as close as that can get!"

"Picture a young Meira and Trace beating the shit out of each other" Meira said with a smile as she poured the water into the cup.

"When did that stop?" Trace asked with an amused smile as Meira handed him the cup

"I don't know. One day we wanted to kill each other over stupid shit, the next we had sworn to protect each other."

"Sometimes family is all you have. Especially where we come from" Trace said before he proceeded to slurp up the noodles.

They ended up talking about their childhoods, Taehyung's mostly filled with a billion classes so that he was prepared to take over and Meira's filled with training sessions and a couple of espionage missions, which only made Taehyung look at her with more awe as she zoned out, thoughtfully chewing as Trace recounted their missions together.


"Both of us were forced to grow up fast weren't we?" Taehyung said as they laid in bed, looking at the ceiling

"I wish I had my stars here-" Meira said as she reached up with both her hands, painting imaginary constellations.

"Your stars?" Taehyung asked as he propped his head on his hand to look at her better

"I have fibre optic stars on my ceiling back home," she said as she turned to look at him, smiling "and yeah... We lost our childhoods in a way, didn't we?"

"I mean I probably didn't have it as bad as you, you having to move around a lot in the beginning-"

Meira shook her head "I didn't know what I was missing out. So I was actually fine with it? You on the other hand knew about every other kid who got to make friends and go out and all that... We've both had it rough, in our own ways"

They looked at the ceiling in silence before Meira said, "I almost died once..."

Taehyung moved closer as Meira recounted that day.

"I-I don't know why he didn't go through with it. He could've put a bullet in my head and left it at that. But no... He just let me remember what it felt like, being that close to the edge, blacking out while being helpless, hearing someone close to you scream your name in desperation-" Meira stopped as she took a sharp inhale, turning on her side to face away from Taehyung.

"And sometimes it haunts me. At night. And that's why..."

Taehyung wrapped a hand around her waist, burying his head in her back as she took deep breaths.

They passed out like that, their breathing in sync. 








Fluff is so much fun to write though...

*le me with zero experience in relationships*- 2020

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