44- Scary

372 39 19

Meira woke up first, the sunlight hitting her face. She groaned as she turned over, pulling a pillow over her head.

That pillow was Taehyung's.

The sudden disturbance made him wake up. He propped himself up on his elbows and groggily looked over at Meira, who was fumbling with the pillow over her head.

"Oh May you little shit-" he said with a chuckle as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, dropping his feet onto the cool wooden floor.
He yawned as he walked up to the balcony, closing the curtains before walking back to May's side of the bed, seating himself carefully on the edge.

"Mayyy~," he said as he poked her blanket, earning him mumbles of annoyance

"I'm not letting you sleep after you woke me up~," he said as he slowly pulled back her pillow, making her whine in protest
"Tae lemme sleeep pleaaaase-" she said as she slowly opened her eyes, her nose scrunched in annoyance

"Did we come all the way here, so you could spend the day in bed?" Taehyung said as he booped her nose, "get up you whiny baby-"

Meira reached out at him, extending her hands, a sleepy smile on her face as Taehyung sat up from the bed.

Taehyung smiled mischievously as he scooped her up, waking her up in alarm.

She looked at him with wide eyes as she clung onto him for dear life, "I just wanted a hug-"

"Isn't this better?" He said as he twirled with her in his arms, earning a delighted laugh from her

"Wayy better," she said as she looked at him with a wide grin, before punching him on his chest, her eyes widening when she realised, "You're not supposed to do this, You're supposed to rest!"

Taehyung sighed as he sat down, the mattress sinking under his weight, Meira's arms around his neck as she looked at him, her eyes filled with worry.

"I'm fine bub... You don't have to be that scared"

A low rumble from May's stomach made Taehyung chuckle, "Let's get something in you now, shall we?"

Yoongi hadn't left his office since he shot that man, leaving Jungkook to deal with people and all the matters relating to the gang. 

He walked up to the wooden door, hesitating before knocking, entering without waiting for a response.

He saw Yoongi stare at the desk, blankly, exhaustion evident in his slouched figure.

"Hyung you need to rest..." Jungkook said as he took careful steps towards him.

Yoongi had been calm for all these years. He would take calculated steps, every kill, every move had always been a part of a grander scheme of things

The incident eight days ago was the first time he'd seen Yoongi break in a while. 

And usually, it ended with him throwing stuff around the office, breaking a chair or two, hurling books at the walls. But this time, was different.

This was the first time he had killed a man without reason.

Jungkook looked over at him, his head hanging low as the evening sun streamed in through the window behind him.

He stood beside him, placing an arm on his back, which led to Yoongi dropping his head on the desk, giving in to his exhaustion.

"I'm just so tired-" he whispered, making Jungkook remember

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