45- Warmth

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Meira sat on the balcony of Taehyung's room as he walked in, humming, his hands armed with a glass and a couple of bottles

Meira dropped her head in her hands as he arranged the drinks, handing her the glass with a flourish.

It had been a very close match, Meira losing the last game by one point, leading to Taehyung jumping on his bed in delight as Meira sat on the floor her jaw slack as she wondered what she had gotten herself into.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now," she said as she looked at Taehyung as he fiddled with the cork of the champagne bottle

"When I told them after dinner that you had lost the bet, your dad laughed, handing me this bottle from their table, telling me to enjoy ourselves. Man is your dad wild-" Taehyung said as he finally popped the cork, Meira scrunching her nose as she held up the glass to the bottle.

Taehyung clapped his hands in tiny as he poured out apple juice out for himself, raising his glass in a toast

They clinked their glasses, Meira sceptically swirling the liquid before gingerly taking a sip, proceeding to gulp the drink.

She looked at Taehyung in annoyance as he immediately filled up her glass again, 

"Drink up missy! You've got the entire bottle to go!"

Meira sighed as she downed each glass like a shot.


Drunk Meira was wild.

Well... wild in Meira standards. 

"Taeeeehyuuung" she said with a pout as she held her glass in front of her, "gimme some more of that~"

"Honestly I think you've had enough-" Taehyung said as he carefully took the bottle off the table, only to be yanked back by Meira by his collar.

"HEY! GIVE. ME. THE. CHAMPAGNE." she said with a glare that Taehyung had never seen before, before breaking into the stupidest grin

He sighed as he poured out the last bit of alcohol, "I can't believe you got drunk off of champagne, I mean you did drink the entire bottle but still... who knew your alcohol resistance was built underground-" he was cut off by Meira grabbing him by the collar again, this time she stared at him with a lopsided smile, her eyes hooded

"Have I told you how handsome you are?" she said in a sing-song voice

"Aight Meira that's my cue to put you to sleep," he said as he stood up, only to be pulled down again

"I mean it."

"I know that," he said with a smile as he took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers

"And... um.," she said, not meeting his eyes, prompting him to lean closer, encouragement in his eyes

"Thank you... for being there... for listening to me... I may not be able to tell it out loud all the time, but I appreciate you. I am grateful for you. And when I shy away from your hugs and your spontaneous bursts of affection, it's not that I don't like it, it's that I'm not used to it..." she said as she fidgeted with their fingers, "I'm not used to being special to anyone... Sure my dad and Trace love me, but this is different, isn't it?" she said as she looked at him, her eyes sparkly but surprisingly lucid.

"I think what I'm trying to say is... I love you..." she said as a tear rolled down her cheek, sniffling a little.

"May you can't just do that-" Taehyung said as he looked up, trying to blink his tears out of existence

"Do what-?' she asked, genuinely perplexed

"Say something like that and expect me to be fine," he said as his voice cracked, pulling her close.

"This is nice.." May whispered as she pulled him closer.


Meira brushed her teeth with one hand as she clutched her head with the other. She looked at the mirror through her half-closed eyes, watching as Taehyung came and wrapped his arms around her, placing his head on the shoulder

"Whach arf you doingf-" she asked before gargling out the foam

"I'm hugging you every chance I get-" he said as he buried his head in her neck. She washed her face as he looked at her in the mirror, patting it dry with the handtowel. 

She looked back at him on the mirror, "Are you going to let me go?"

"Never!" he said with as he grinned at her.

Meira turned around and walked, Taehyung walking behind her, his arms around her neck now.

"We're leaving tomorrow huh?" she said as their footsteps padded on the wooden floor

"This simultaneously felt like the longest and the shortest vacation ever" he mumbled as he now stood back and watched her fold the covers

"Where are we going though? They haven't told us that yet have they?" she said as she clutched her head again, prompting Taehyung to rummage in his desk for a painkiller.

"Nope. They haven't told us... I wonder what we will tell the guys if we aren't going back..." Taehyung trailed off as he handed Meira a glass and the tablet.


"We have decided to let both of you finish college. A couple of my men will always be tailing you. They will always be discreet, so it's not like everyone will know you have bodyguards but I think that should be fine. Especially considering, you've been safe within the campus." Meira's dad said as Taehyung's dad nodded his head, "Also I'll be driving you back, and once college is done every day, you will be picked up by Trace. No roaming around on your own, without the bodyguards. Since its a year and a half more, we will allow you to complete it."

"Are you sure about this?" Meira asked as she looked at them intently, "I mean, as much as we want to deny it, they almost got Taehyung, so we know they aren't going to stop at just capturing us or just injuring us, one bullet is all it takes-" Meira trailed off

"There aren't any free vantage points from where a sniper can take a clean target in the campus, thank the gods. And to be honest, both you and I know that if anyone wants to kill you, there are a billion different ways to do it, discreet and non-discreet. Since Gloss has been pretty low profile, I'm guessing he's going to go with the former."

"So we will ensure you're safe. Don't worry too much about it. This time around it's going to be us. Nothing on you guys. I hope a year and a half of being regular people will satisfy you for the rest of your lives," Taehyung's dad said with an apologetic smile.

"This doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful anymore. But just know you will have a full security team dedicated to you."

Meira and Taehyung nodded timidly.

The recent experience had left a bad taste in their mouths.

 Sure they were getting what they had wanted this time too. But they weren't too sure that's what they wanted anymore.

Especially when death loomed over their heads.






It's peculiar how life constantly changes your priorities as you live every day.

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