35- Loyalty

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Yoongi looked at Jungkook, his eyes falling on his wrists.

"Where's the hair tie?" he asked as he cocked an eyebrow

Jungkook looked at Yoongi blankly before looking down at his hands "I washed it today. It's drying back at the dorms."

Yoongi stared at him for a while before swivelling his chair.

Jungkook shook his head before saying, "You didn't answer my question, How are you doing this? You seem fond of him-"

Yoongi chuckled softly, sending chills down Jungkook's spine "Yeah... I'm kind of fond of that boy at this point. Too bad he's a Kim" he turned around to look at Jungkook, "I hope your loyalties haven't changed"

"No! Never! I won't forgive them for what they did. How can you question that?" Jungkook asked, hurt.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders as he took a sip of his coffee, "You've been unstable ever since you told me about Meira being seen at that apartment. Makes me think you've caught feelings"

Jungkook stiffened as his eyes went dark, staying completely silent.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Love is not advisable when you're a part of the mafia."

"I. Don't. Love. Meira" Jungkook said as his hands curled into fists.

"I'll take you at your word then. Now, anything else?"

"Why did you ask me to keep an eye on her anyway? She's an ordinary student-"

Yoongi laughed "She's anything but ordinary. I didn't expect her to get tangled in this the way she has, but it's only made everything more interesting." he said as a calculative smile fell on his lips

Jungkook knew that crazed smile. He felt panic rise up his throat as he leaned forward, "Just who is she and what are you planning to do?!"

"Yup. Totally not in love."  Yoongi said in a sing-song voice as he turned away again, making Jungkook slam his fist on the table, cursing. He stomped out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Yoongi flinched as he removed his glasses, rubbing his temple as he sighed.

Living a double life for ten years had taken a toll on him. Sleepless nights working building an empire while simultaneously rising up the ranks of acclaimed pianists, Min Yoongi had been literally living the life of two people. 

Sometimes he just wanted to stop. Drop everything. 

But then he'd remember the sight that had greeted him when he had entered the house that night. The night he was forced to grow up.

Scattered bodies of his family, their forms riddled with bullets, some with peaceful bloodstained faces, some of them contorted in eternal pain.

It had taken him a week to bury them all, his expression stone cold as they lowered the caskets in the ground, as Jungkook clung to his side, occasionally sobbing into his black coat.

Every time they lowered a casket in the ground, he would clench his fist, promising them that he would avenge their deaths.

And so he worked, endlessly, all the while building a facade as a pianist, vowing every day to not forget why he was doing this. 

He turned back to face his desk, placing his elbows on it. He looked at the polished wood pensively as his hand hovered over an imaginary chess piece, thinking about his next move.


The seven of them met up at the arena as the sun set, tinting the entire area a pleasant orange.

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