34- Edge

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Life had mostly returned to normal for all of them. The seven of them would meet up at lunch whenever their schedules matched up. Sometimes they'd end up hanging out at the arena after classes to catch up, armed with snacks and plenty of sugary drinks.

"The way this is going, I'm going to become a chubby boi," Jungkook said as he reached for another packet. Meira squished his cheeks "A chubby bunny boy doesn't sound that bad"

Jungkook had been pretty much normal too. But he used to read a lot more now, dropping by Namjoon's dorms more frequently, borrowing books, reading them voraciously.

"Almost like he is trying to find answers in there," Jimin had commented one day

Meira and Taehyung stuck together more since that attack. They'd go to the abandoned warehouse together, Meira practising boxing, music pounding in the background as Taehyung was trained by Trace. She and Trace would spar once Taehyung got too tired to continue and he'd sit on the sidelines, his mouth agape as they fought, occasionally cheering when Meira got a hit in that made her smirk and Trace stumble.


Weekends consisted of meeting up with the gang and sometimes going to their private shooting range to train. Taehyung turned out to be a pretty good marksman.

"I've done this before... but I'd never really taken it seriously. It was just a cool thing to do for fun!", he said as he reloaded his handgun as May stood next to him, shades on, sipping a mocktail. She gave him a sip before taking the gun from him with her other hand, shooting, hitting the target perfectly, three times. 

"Show off," Taehyung said as he took the gun back while Meira had a satisfied smirk on her lips. 

"And that's what happens when you wear your contacts" Trace said as he walked up to them, "come on now, let's have lunch."


Meira walked into the conservatory. Her classes had ended early for the day, so she thought she might as well attend one of the concerts before Taehyung was done for the day. She spotted Namjoon on her way there, his headphones on, a binder of sheet music in his hand as he bopped his head while walking. Meira walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, startling him into dropping his binder. She laughed as she picked it up, Namjoon giving her a sheepish smile.

"Where are you going?"

"I had to go meet up with a professor with this piece I composed. She asked me to come up with something for the dance department's new performance-"

"WOAH! that's so cool!!!" She said as he tried to hide his face with his binder

"I know!"

"Kim Namjoon, genius composer-"

"Aish it's nothing like that-" he said as he reduced to a blushing mess.

"I won't keep you here then. But NAMJOON YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TELL US THESE THINGS!" 

"Sometimes everything just slips out of my mind"

"We gotta celebrate!", she said as she started walking in the direction he was heading

"I haven't even finished it yet"

"I know it'll be amazing... Now GO! you can't be late!" she said as she gave him a gentle push. He chuckled as he waved goodbye, wearing his headphones again.

She looked at him as he rounded a corner, disappearing out of view. She soon felt two arms snake around her waist. Taking one of them, she twisted it, pinning its owner to the wall as he let out a small cry. She looked at the hand,

and at the ruffled hair.

"Can you let me go, love?" 

She quickly dropped his hand as he rotated his shoulder, an amused smile on his face as Meira looked at him horrified and embarrassed, her mouth trying to form an apology. Taehyung gave her a quick peck on her cheek, which made her look at him with wide eyes.

"I know you've been on the edge ever since that day... It's alright. I'm fine" he said with a grin as he wrapped an arm around her waist,  "Now tell me why are you here, hmm?"

"Classes got over earlier than usual," she said as she leaned on him as they walked towards the exit of the building, "So I thought I'd drop by, for old times' sake... Oh, did you know Namjoon is composing for the dance department??" 

"Yup! About time someone gave him a big project! You should see him work on music. He's such a joy to watch"

"Mr Taehyung?" they heard Yoongi call out from behind, "Done for the day?" he asked with an amicable smile

"Yes sir!" Taehyung answered brightly as they walked up to him. 

"Anything new in the drafts?" he asked as he sipped from his metal tumbler

"I have a couple of things... but I haven't worked on them properly yet, so nothing worth showing," he said with a little chuckle 

Yoongi looked at their intertwined fingers "So you had the guts huh?" he said with a grin

Meira looked at him in confusion, before turning to Taehyung who had turned a bright shade of pink, trying to suppress a smile

"He knew?" 

"Turns out, everyone knew, except you, May," Taehyung said as he nudged her forehead with his own.

"Please... I'm not dense," she said as she rolled her eyes, causing Yoongi and Taehyung to exchange knowing glances, trying to suppress their smiles, before they started laughing.

"I can't believe this"

"Oh hey, guys!" They heard Jungkook as he walked up to them, a bright smile on his face. He looked at Yoongi curiously as Taehyung said, "Jungkook, this is Professor Min Yoongi! Professor, this is my friend and art student, Jeon Jungkook!" 

"What a pleasure to meet you! THE Min Yoongi?" he said as he shook his hand

"In the flesh," Yoongi said with a small smile before saying "Okay I got to be somewhere now, Taehyung, if you ever make something new, drop by my office at any time okay?" He said with a smile as he walked away

"Taehyung threw an arm around Jungkook as he turned to leave the building with Meira "What brings you to the conservatory?"

"I thought I'll meet up with Namjoon. I wanted to discuss something related to this book I'm reading," he said as he waved his copy

"Ahh I saw him head in that direction," Meira said as she pointed

"Cool thanks!" he said as he waved goodbye, "See you guys later!"


"How are you so chill about this?!" Jungkook asked as he slammed his hands on the table.

The person on the other side of the desk calmly placed his coffee cup down, looking at Jungkook with his dark unreadable eyes.

"Yoongi hyung, how can you laugh and chat with Taehyung like that, while knowing what you're going to do?!"















*worried laughter* surPRISE-


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