4- Artists

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The sky was slowly turning a rosy shade as she found him sitting on the higher steps of the arena, looking into the distance, earphones on, a gentle breeze blowing his bangs off his face.

He saw her, glasses on, her long hair blowing lazily behind her, two juice boxes in her hands. He smiled as he took out his earphones, beckoning her up.

She smiled as she handed him a juice box, sitting down, dangling her feet off the large step.

Something about the scent of lavender made Taehyung feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. They sipped and looked at the sky as it turned into a pastel explosion of colours.

"If anyone saw us right now... They'd think you were the artist here~" she said with a smirk, nodding towards the beret and the tastefully picked outfit.

Taehyung grinned as he said "and they'd think you were the melancholic musician out of the two of us" which made May snort
"Black hides all the paint stains," she said as she shrugged

"Ahh but imagine a white outfit that slowly turns into a piece of art as you paint, because of all the splatters. All those mistakes would be beautiful in their own way~" he said with a sigh

"Is this what being a poet is like? Cause all I get are shudders when I think of soiling a white outfit with paint. But the way you put it, it doesn't sound half bad" she said as she looked at the darkening sky.


They sat there in silence till Meira finally spoke

"Do you have anything in mind for the project? Did any of the professor's give you any direction? Cause ours sure as hell didn't"

"Nope. Something about *not corrupting our thoughts*" he said with air-quotes.

"Ahh college professors and their vague instructions," she said as she shook her head

"What mediums are you comfortable with?"

May cocked an eyebrow at that. As small as it may seem, nobody outside the art community used the term "medium". It always annoyed her, so this was a pleasant surprise

"Anything really. Oils, acrylics, pencils, charcoals, I have a dusty film camera somewhere-"

"You have a film camera!? Can I use it one day?" He said as he jumped up,
before he realised what he had done and sat down, a faint blush on his face
"I- I um enjoy photography... Jungkook lets me use his camera sometimes but I usually use my phone and I've wanted to use a film camera for a while now" he said as he pulled up some pictures on his phone, handing it to her while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

They weren't so much pictures of things as they were pictures of moments and feelings. That much was apparent. Meira scrolled through them, a tiny smile on her face, as she recognised some of the scenes.

"Do you know how hard that is?" She said as she handed back his phone


"Capturing emotions. That's what you were trying to do weren't you?

He gave her a wide grin as he nodded "Nobody gets that most of the time..."

"I'll get my film camera tomorrow. We could use that and a bunch of other mediums. And since we have no instructions, we could go crazy!" She said, a wild gleam in her eyes

"That sounds like a plan!" he said with equal enthusiasm.

They jumped down the steps and made their way to the cafeteria for dinner.

"What about the musical part of it?" May asked as they slowly walked

"Oh! I was so excited about the visual part I forgot about that" he said with a chuckle.

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now