10- Plans

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Taehyung handed the camera to Meira, ruffling his hair saying "I just took a couple of pictures today..."

"Oh. How come? You usually end up clicking more than me?"

"I skipped class today and somehow ended working on our music the entire day," he said as he went through his bag to remove the sheet music, handing it to Meira, who took one look at it and said "Taehyung... I don't know how to read music."

"Ahh sorry!" He said with a little chuckle, putting the sheets back in and rummaging through his pockets for his phone instead. Connecting his earphones, he hands one of the buds to Meira, who looked at him in confusion

"I know we have to play it over speakers or something since it's not practical to hand out earphones or something when it comes to an installation... But since I haven't recorded it properly in a studio, it sounds better with earphones"

She wore the single earphone, Taehyung wearing the other, forcing them to huddle together again, bringing back awkward memories from last night all over again.

"Well here goes nothing", Taehyung thought as he hit play, adjusting the volume before handing the other earphone to Meira with a smile. She still didn't move away though, kind of enjoying the warmth that came from sticking next to each other on a chilly evening.

Meira closed her eyes as she listened to the music, lightly swaying to it.

Taehyung took one look at the camera in her bag next to him and he pulled it out, leaning away from her with his eyes on the viewfinder, taking a picture. Meira noticed him leaning away and when she opened her eyes she couldn't help but grin at Taehyung, him taking the opportunity to click another picture while returning her grin.

She took the camera from him and held it away from the both of them.

"A selfie with a film camera? This won't work" Taehyung said laughing incredulously

"I have experience and well... We won't know till we try- so now smile!" She said as they moved closer, faces almost touching each other. She clicked the picture and realised

She was so close to Taehyung that she could hear him breathe...

Her face flushed as she slowly scooted away, putting the camera in her bag, handing Taehyung his earphones.

"How was it?" He asked, an expectant look on his face

"It's perfect!" Meira said, grinning

Taehyung let out a relieved sigh

"When are you gonna record it?"

"I need to practice it for about a week... I'll record it after that."

"Tae. The vacation starts in a week"

"Ahh shit. I forgot about that- I'll record it once I reach home then, I have a set up at home for that-" he stops abruptly, looking at Meira, but she shows no signs of doubt.

"Cool," she says instead. "I'll work on the structure of the installation. We have just a couple of weeks after we come back for the presentation so it'll be convenient"

"Aren't you going back?" He asked curiously

"I am. I'm leaving a couple of days before the actual vacation starts 'cause I need to take care of some things. I'll be back in a week though"

"So you'll be here for New Year's? How come??" Taehyung asks with a sad look on his face

"What's so special about new years anyway? It's a capitalistic construct-"

Taehyung rolls his eyes and shoves Meira "Hey! It's a new beginning! It should be celebrated!"

Meira scoffs at that "A new beginning of what? *OuR JoUrNeY RoUnD ThE SuN?*" She asks sarcastically "it's space Taehyung. There is no end. No beginning," she says, half-laughing

"Ahh, Meira don't be bitter that you're alone for New Year's!" Taehyung says laughing, which causes Meira to protest.

"What's this ruckus?" They hear Namjoon call out calmly as he approaches with Jungkook.

"May's gonna be alone on New year's!" Taehyung says as Namjoon and Jungkook seat themselves on the steps too.

"What? Why?" Jungkook asks, an earnest expression on his face.

"But what's the big deal anyway. It's just another day-" Namjoon says, matter of factly

"SEE! someone understands!" Meira says as she high fives Namjoon

"No no no as much as I respect Namjoon here, we can't have this! You can't be alone on New years! Nope!" Jungkook says while shaking his head.

"It's not like you can unbook tickets and cancel plans for me so drop it!" Meira said as she rolled her eyes.

Everyone sighed before Taehyung snapped his fingers and looked at everyone with a wide grin.

"We could do something before you leave then... We won't see each other for two weeks, and you will be alone for New years. You said you were leaving in two days right?"

"Yes but Tae, it's really not-"

"Oh Taehyung that sounds great but like what are we going to do. Any ideas?"


"A bonfire?" Hoseok asked incredulously

"You've got to be kidding me," Lauryn said mid-sip

"Are you planning to perform a ritual or something ?" Jimin said as he chuckled

Taehyung glared at Jimin before continuing "Jungkook knows of a place where we can get permission to host one. We could have a barbecue at night too. It'll be fun! Don't tell me you all don't think it could be fun"

"We could all chip in and have a great time!" Jungkook says enthusiastically

"Why are we doing this again?? Aren't we doing this for May? Y'all seem more excited-" Namjoon said sceptically, eyeing Meira, who looked around the table with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah it looks like the both of you are looking for an excuse to conduct this-" Hoseok says with a smile

"No no Meira thinks this is cool too! Don't you May?" Jungkook says as he nudges Meira

"Yeah, I guess it sounds cool but like-"

"It's settled then! We're having a bonfire night barbecue!" Taehyung says, evidently excited, grinning from ear to ear as he looked around the table, stopping at May for a bit, before looking away, flustered.

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