11- Beers

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"A bonfire?" Trace asks, raising his eyebrows sceptically "why?"

"I don't really know. But I couldn't stop them. Once Tae and Jk set their minds to something, they'll climb mountains to accomplish it" Meira answers as she wraps the cloth around her hands before slipping on her worn boxing gloves, "let's start?"

"May, you're supposed to be incognito," Trace says as they take their positions on the sparring mat

"I know... A random plan like this can't draw much attention though, can it? I mean college students are known to do impulsive things like this so don't be too worried. Now come at me you weakling" she said with a smirk

"Oh no, you didn't-"


"It would be nice if you HELPED" Jungkook yelled at Taehyung as he skipped ahead with the lighter plastic bags, leaving Jungkook to drag the Barbecue.

"I told you to get something smaller. Now suffer" Taehyung said as he skipped backwards, grinning at Jungkook.

They walked in silence, but Taehyung spotted a familiar figure with her hood drawn over her face, slinking among the few shadows in this crowded path

He thought of calling out to her but stopped himself since she evidently didn't want to be spotted.

"You're tired already????!! I'm the one dragging this stupid thing and YOU DECIDE TO STOP? MOVE BEFORE I ABANDON THIS AND MAKE YOU MOVE IT" Jungkook yelled

"Jungkook I'm hereeeeee!!" Hoseok says as he catches up with them. He drops his bags of cans on the barbecue and helps Jungkook in pushing it. They're soon joined by Jimin, Lauryn and Namjoon, everyone armed with supplies, ranging from blankets to spread out to food that they had to cook.

"Where is our guest of honour?" Hoseok said, voicing what everyone had on their mind.

"She said she'll take a while, don't worry about her. That irresponsible kid hasn't even packed up yet" Lauryn said as she shook her head disapprovingly.

There was still no sign of May as they lazily made their way to the empty clearing near the college.

"Are you sure we won't get into trouble for this?" Namjoon asked as they began to set everything up under the orangish- purple sky.

Jungkook dug in his pockets and produced a piece of paper, which upon further inspection turned out to be
"That's a pretty official-looking permit," Hoseok said

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OFFICIAL LOOKING?! It is official!" He huffs as he carefully folds it up and puts it back in his pocket. "If the police come by, you'll see!"

Taehyung looks up from spreading the blankets to spot Meira, in one of her more colourful outfits. He'd been hoping for a dress, but he also knew that she wouldn't suffer the cold for fashion.

He smiled as he beckoned her. She was squinting as she walked closer, smiling as she realised it was Taehyung.

"Wear. Your. Goddamned. Glasses" Lauryn said as she punched Meira on her shoulder, "You looked like a granny as you walked, squinting at all of us"

Meira laughed as she set down the bags that she'd brought with her, immediately helping Namjoon with the barbecue, slowly easing him away from it once she realised he had broken the grilling rack

"How?!" She said as she looked at the rack

"I guess it was flimsy???" Namjoon says with a sheepish smile as he starts to arrange the drinks in the cooler instead.

Jungkook and Lauryn set up the bonfire and Jimin helped Meira and Hoseok in grilling the meat. Taehyung, on the other hand, walks around the entire scene, clicking pictures in his film camera.
They were all illuminated by the orange glow of the crackling fire and Taehyung couldn't resist the lighting. So he went around, snapping pictures amidst the laughter and coughing.

"The food's done!" May and Jimin called out, causing everyone to line up with their styrofoam plates, helping themselves to the food that they had spread out. Jungkook went around passing drinks.

"We should've brought hot cocoa... whose bright idea was beer anyway?" Namjoon said as he opened a frosty can, his breath making clouds as he spoke on the cold December night.

"What's a bonfire without some alcohol?" Jimin says as he downs an entire can

"The alcohol was the only reason Jimin agreed to help, so I sponsored it," Hoseok said with a sigh

"There is no other way an artist would stay sane..." Jimin protests silently, Lauryn nodding her head in agreement next to him.

"May! Think fast!" Jungkook said as he threw a can at her, Meira catching it successfully, much to the delight of everyone.

"Thanks... But no thanks. I don't really drink." May said as she set the drink down. "I prefer to remember my parties."

"Ahh don't be such a kill-joy! One beer won't hurt!" Taehyung says as he nudges the can towards her, taking a swig from his own.


"Shot! shot! shot! shot!" Namjoon and Hoseok chanted as Jimin gulped his fifth shot in a row, Taehyung, Jungkook and Lauryn trying to desperately keep up.
May watched the entire thing go down while sipping on her first can of beer.

Jungkook fell on his back as he slurred "I give upppppp!"
Lauryn looked at Jimin with wide eyes as his drunk ass poured the third round of shots, missing the first glass, causing Taehyung to burst out in a fit of giggles.

Hoseok looked jaded at this point, staring into the distance as Namjoon started rattling off random sea creature facts to him.

May couldn't help but laugh to herself as she took pictures of the scene.

Kind of comforted at the fact that for once she had friends she could do stupid things with.

She looked at Jungkook passed out on the picnic blanket, Namjoon resting on Hoseok as Hoseok drank, Jimin and Lauryn talking to each other with Taehyung being oblivious of the fact that he was third-wheeling, enthusiastically adding himself into the conversation, causing Jimin to glare at him.

Her smile slowly melted away as a wave of sadness washed over her when she remembered she'd have to disappear again once she was done.



please consider not being a silent reader! Unlike drawing, (which I do for myself), I write for y'all! (Since I already know how the story goes LoL). A random vote here, a random emoji there, let's me know someone's reading, cause I really don't understand otherwise...
I thank you for reading this! Even if you don't manage to lemme know, it's nice knowing it's out there, potentially bringing a smile on someone's face(◍•ᴗ•◍)

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now