9- Geniuses

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Taehyung had too many things in his head to try and go to class.

From yesterday's incident to the realisation that he didn't know the one he had come to really like.

Maybe even love

He went to one of the practice rooms instead and sat down in front of the grand piano.

Playing his piece would calm him down.

Or at least he hoped it would.

He took a deep breath as he stretched, before placing his fingers in the ivory keys.
He had gone through this piece so many times, trying to find the missing last part. And after the events of last night, he had finally finished composing it.

He started playing and the music flowed like water. He'd composed it and fantasised playing the entire piece all night that his fingers knew exactly what to do. He closed his eyes as he played, not noticing the door open softly.

Once he was done, he heard clapping, causing him to turn at the single chair in the room.

"You composed that?" Min Yoongi asked, a small smile on his lips

"Ye- yes-" Taehyung began, evidently getting flustered by the minute.
Prof. Yoongi got up and walked towards the sheet music that Taehyung had scribbled on. He hadn't got the chance to make the final sheets, so these were filled with anecdotes and circles along with some random doodles of flowers.

He wanted to snatch those sheets from Yoongi so bad.

"Ahh, it's so messy..." He said as he hid his face in his hands

"Don't worry about it. You should see mine" he said with a chuckle "my handwriting doesn't do me any favours either," he says as he drags the chair next to Taehyung.

He looks over the sheet music in silence, as Taehyung looked on nervously, fiddling with his hands.

"May I?" Yoongi asked as he gestured towards the piano. Taehyung obliged, getting up immediately. Yoongi sat himself down and adjusted the seat, placing Taehyung's sheet music on the stand.

"Will you be my page-turner?" He asked with a grin

"It would be my pleasure!" Taehyung said as he tried to contain his inner fanboy.

Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment before placing his fingers on the keys. And he started playing.

To Taehyung, it sounded like a completely different piece. The way Yoongi played it made it more magical. He unknowingly held his breath, for the most part, turning the pages in a daze.

When Yoongi finished with a flourish and Taehyung took a deep breath.

"Mr Kim Taehyung..." He started in his low voice, looking at the last bar.


"May I ask what made you write this piece?" He asked as he turned to look at Taehyung, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Ahh, I wrote it for the assignment-"

"No. We both know that's not the answer here. What compelled you to compose this?" Yoongi asked, a smile on his lips as he tried to coax the answer out of Taehyung.

Taehyung on the other hand was more confused than ever.


"Something or someone compelled you to write this piece. This isn't something you could've composed for the sake of composing something for an assignment. There's too much going on here for it to be just that-"

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