14- Smoke

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Taehyung and Jimin split at the entrance gate of the college. Taehyung in a grey hoodie and jeans and Jimin in a tee with black jeans.

"You sure you don't want a ride to wherever you're going?" He asked as he dusted his leather jacket and put on his helmet, getting on his bike.

From the fluffy pink duvet covers to the orange flames on his bike, Jimin was duality at its finest.

He wasn't carrying any luggage cause he has everything he needs in his one backpack-

"Yup yup! I just need to walk a couple of blocks and there's a car waiting for me so don't worry about it!" Tae said as he waved off Jimin, who gave Taehyung one last hug before he set off.

Taehyung walked up to the car, taking his own sweet time, even though it was freezing outside. Mr Choi approached him and took his luggage from him.

"Master Taehyung, so nice to see you after ages!", he said with a smile, that crinkled his eyes.

Hwan Choi had accompanied Taehyung wherever he went since he was twelve. He had been tasked with teaching Taehyung etiquette and business management, whenever Tae's father wasn't around. Taehyung ended up calling him Hyung out of affection.

"Ahhh Hyung!" He said as he threw his arms around Mr Choi, causing him to chuckle.

"Come now, there's a helicopter waiting for you and your parents are dying to see you," he said as he opened the door for Taehyung, taking the driver's seat.

Taehyung slumped back into the plush leather seats as he wore his earphones.
He couldn't deny the fact that he had kinda sorta missed this feeling.


"Master Taehyung, take the third car from the front. I'll be taking the second, Mr Park will take the first" Hwan Choi said as he placed the bags in the car.

"Isn't five cars a bit too much? I mean I'm only coming home, it's not that big of a deal-" Taehyung stopped as he saw the look shared between Choi and Park "isn't it?", he enquired

Mr Park let out a breathy chuckle as he waved in the air "Yes it isn't a big deal! But we want to make sure that you're safe! That's why we're here!", And Mr Choi nodded his head in agreement, trying to dismiss Taehyung's suspicions.

He shrugged his shoulders and entered the car as he was told. He couldn't see who was driving because the cabin was blocked off but he didn't think too much about it. The air-conditioning in the car was the perfect temperature and Taehyung put on his R&B playlist as he looked out the tinted windows, the convoy beginning it's hour-long journey to the estate.


Taehyung felt the shudder through the car and heard the muffled boom before he was slammed into the seat in front of him as his car screeched to a halt.
He clutched his head as he tried lowering the windows, only to find they didn't work. He knocked on the divider and the driver opened it, a look of panic in his eyes.

"What happened?"

"There was an explosion up ahead. As far as I could tell, it wasn't a car. Please stay inside, the bodyguards from the cat in front of us and behind have told me that you need to stay inside as they assess the situation" he said calmly, his eyes flicking to the smoke up ahead, one hand on his gun.

He opens the glove box and hands Taehyung a handgun

"Wha- what-" Taehyung says as his eyes go wide. Sure, he knew how to use one, but to actually use one-

"FUCK-" he said as he realised the magnitude of the situation.

The driver fiddled with the radio of the car, attuning it to the frequency of their  earpieces

"Surrounded by around twenty-five me-"

"Clad in black"

"Armed. I repeat, they are armed"

"No shots fired-"

As if on cue, there's a ringing bang that shakes the birds out of the trees

Whatever birds that had been dumb enough to stay after the initial explosion that is-

Taehyung's knuckles whitened as his grip around his handgun tightened.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me- who are they after-"

The driver looked at Taehyung incredulously before saying


May heard a bang in the distance, as Trace gunned the accelerator.
She saw as her father calmly put on his white silk gloves, something that had turned into one of his many quirks.

The other notable one being his ability to throw knives with deadly accuracy.

She saw as he twirled an ornate silver blade, lost in thought.
He never threw that one.

That one belonged to her mother.

"Are you armed and ready, L?", he asked, his eyes now dark.

"Locked and loaded boss," Meira spoke through the mask.

She didn't like wearing one. But she couldn't compromise her identity when Taehyung was around.
She cursed at her outfit choices for the day though.

Sure, it was boots and black formal pants, but that white frilly blouse (her pitying attempt at looking proper) was gonna get annoying.

And possibly, stained.

She sighed as she shook her head.

Of all the things to be worried about.

They drove closer to what she assumed to be the convoy, considering there was a plume of smoke rising between the trees up ahead.

They knew of the explosion.

"Where is Kim Taehyung in the convoy?"  Meira asked through the earpiece

"Car three. Armed with a handgun. Has been advised to stay inside"

"Any violence so far?"

"No. They are approaching us with guns, no casualties so far-"

Meira cocked her gun as she told Trace

"You heard him. Car three. Let's go-"



So I wrote this when I was kinda exhausted and sleep-deprived.
And this is what happened when I couldn't remember a word

 And this is what happened when I couldn't remember a word

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*The word I was searching for was quirks I-*

Moral of the story- brain doesn't work when I'm sleep deprived.

*I laughed out loud when I re-read it the next day. I needed to take a moment to compose myself before writing further LMAO*


Hope that made you laugh LoL.

That's all from me! And don't forget to vote ( if you feel like it.. please it would be great I-)


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