15- and mirrors

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Trace put his foot down on the accelerator, causing Meira to slam her back onto the seat. He saw the smoke up ahead and smirked, making the car go faster if that was even possible.

They passed through the cloud of smoke and Trace swerved onto the scene, the car coming to a stop near the front of the third car.

May jumped out the car and landed next to the back door, opening it shortly after.

It was empty

"FUCK" May cursed as she kicked the car, her father getting out of the car yelling "We're part of the security too"  to the bodyguards who weakly held up their guns.

"Well well well, if it isn't Orion and L~ is Trace here too? My oh my what an honour."

May looked up, across the road stood an unfamiliar face, surrounded by five other men, clutching a gun to Taehyung's head, while Taehyung stood there, his face pale, a handgun at his feet.

"Vincent. Let that boy go. We both know you won't kill him." Orion said as he stepped forward, his hand on his holster as he pointed at Vincent with a silver knife.

"Oh, you're right. But I need to have some fun before I gotta go. I came here to confirm my suspicions about Gloss being interested in this boy." he says as he lets out a short chuckle before continuing "thank you for confirming that for me. Now, since you did decide to show up, let's have some fun, shall we?" he said as he gestured his men to move forward.

They were clearly outnumbered.
Taehyung had been travelling with 10 bodyguards spread amongst the five cars.
He usually just had a driver as his bodyguard in his car cause he didn't like a lot of people with him all the time.

May slammed the door of the car shut and stepped back, taking a look at the situation.

Five men stood guard near Vincent, the 19 other men stood surrounding them, surrounding the entire convoy, everyone pointing their guns at the newcomers.

"We know he won't kill Taehyung. He wouldn't dare when Gloss is after him too." Orion said to May and Trace softly.

"We need to figure out a way to get Taehyung out of here. That's all. Vincent is bored"  he said with a smirk.

A smirk that Meira knew all too well

"What do we do-" May asked as she held up her gun

Orion looked at the head of the bodyguards, he raised an eyebrow in question to which the bodyguard nodded.

"Trace, get in the car"

"I'm wayy better with a gun-"

"Ahh but L here is way better at extraction"

"Fair enough"

Trace went and sat in the car

"Awww Orion... How I missed this. An encounter!" Vincent said, a crazy gleam in his eyes

"Vinnie, you have no encounters anymore cause you aren't a threat. You're a disgrace" Orion spat, "Now hand over that boy and go." He said as he drew out his gun, aiming it at Vincent. "You know I never miss"

Vincent's eyes went dark and May wondered if provoking him was the right thing to do, especially since she saw Tae had gone deathly pale at this point, a look of detachment on his face.

"L, go ahead, get Taehyung and move towards the car," Orion said as he cocked his gun.

Meira started moving forward, her gun trained on Vincent too.

She saw the rest of the gang close in on her, albeit warily since their leader looked at the ground with dark eyes.

That was until one of them shot at May from her right.

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now