37- Gentleman

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Taehyung, Meira and Jungkook hanged out more often, since Namjoon and the dance majors had to now work on the mid-year dance showcase. They were splitting one bag of chips as they walked out the art department, Jungkook and Taehyung hogging them as Meira yelled at them every couple of minutes, swearing to never open her snacks in front of them again.

She gave up and sighed, looking at the two of them bickering with a smile.

"YOU ATE 15 CHIPS ALREADY STOP-" Jungkook said as he held the bag out of Taehyung's reach, making him pout. Meira sighed as she heard a high pitched "Mayyyyyyyyy he's not sharing" from behind her.


"Both of you are the biggest babies," she said as she tucked her hands in her pockets, looking at their beaming faces as they held a pack of chips each.

May couldn't help but smile as they happily munched on their snacks as they walked to the arena. She reached up and ruffled both their heads, grinning at them as they wore stupid smiles.

They walked to the arena slowly, hands in their pockets, occasionally throwing their arms across each other's shoulders. 

Like normal college students. 

Though that definition had gotten hazy at this point.

"What are you going to wear to the dance recital?" Taehyung asked Jungkook 

"There's a dress code?"

Meira face palmed as they looked at Jungkook's blank face.

"Did you even read the invitations? It's a proper dance recital. Formals for all. We are technically not allowed in there, But Joon scored us passes. The least we can do to avoid suspicion is to pretend like we belong there"

"What is the requirement then?"

"You at least need a jacket,"  Taehyung said

"Why would I, An art student, ever need a jacket?"

"You don't have one do you?" Meira said as she looked at him with a smile.

"No..no I don't," Jungkook said as he looked down at his hands.

"I have an extra one for my concerts, but its a tailcoat-"

Meira stifled a laugh with her hand as she imagined scruffy haired Jungkook in a tailcoat as Jungkook looked at Taehyung, his jaw slack, a blank look on his face.

"I hope this recital will be worth the embarrassment" he whispered as Taehyung slapped his back

"I'm sure you will rock it"

Meira burst out laughing at that, lying down on the step as she clutched her stomach, Jungkook chuckling at that.


It was the day of the performance, a week later. Taehyung wore his black three-piece suit as Meira got ready in the other room. The performance was going to start at 7:30 in the evening, so they didn't have to worry much about not blending in with the crowd at college. He straightened his tie in Trace's bathroom and stepped out, meeting Meira in the corridor as she fiddled with her silver watch, trying to get it to stay in place. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her, her face scrunched in frustration, her hair falling on to one side of her face, her drop earrings reflecting in the orange light of the area.

"Here, let me help.." He said as he took her hand, delicately fixing the clasp on her watch as she looked at him.


He looked at her as she looked at him, taking in her outfit of a black A-line dress with a beaded collar, a coat slung across her shoulders.

"You're beautiful..."

"I know." she said with a smirk, before reaching out to straighten his already perfect tie, "I could say the same about you"

"Hey! Lovebirds! Don't you have places to be?" Trace said as he tapped his watch, pointing to the door

"Trace I swear to god I will throw my shoe at you one of these days," Meira said as she speed-walked to the entrance, Taehyung jogging to catch up with her.


They waited outside the lit auditorium, waiting for Jungkook to turn up.

"Well FUCK-" Meira whispered as Taehyung grinned, nudging her with his shoulder, when they saw Jungkook, walking up to them, looking pretty comfortable in Taehyung's white tie outfit, occasionally swiping his hair off his face, his silver earrings dangling at that disturbance.

"Heya! You- you guys look nice" he said as he stood in front of them, his hands in his pockets, a sheepish smile on his face

"A top hat and you're a complete British gentleman!" Meira said as Taehyung patted Jungkook's back

"Oh don't listen to her. She stopped thinking for a second there." He leaned in towards Jungkook and whispered, "If I didn't know better, I'd say she fell for you right now- OW!"

"Kim Taehyung if you don't shut up right now, I'm not going to let you in the apartment. Oh wait- even better, I won't let you in for the performance," she said as she took the passes out of her purse, Turning on her heel.

"May NO-" Taehyung said as he walked up to her while Jungkook hung back, smiling looking at them bicker. He walked up to them and stood between them, throwing his arms across their shoulders, "How about we just enjoy the show hmm? I'm excited to see what Namjoon and the others have come up with!" he said with a grin.


They were seated in one of the front rows of the auditorium, which was now filled with a lot of formally dressed people, some of them even carrying opera glasses.

"Well damn" Jungkook whispered as he looked around the theatre, "I feel like we don't belong here-"

"Pretending like you fit in is half the trick here," Taehyung said as he put a look of pretentiousness on his face. Meira smacked his arm and said "Shut up", looking around at the couple adults who had heard Taehyung. Jungkook stifled a snort as Taehyung slapped a palm on his mouth.

"You guys!" Meira hissed as she saw them shake while controlling their laughter.

The lights dimmed as an announcement was made

"We will begin the performance in a short while-"

That made Taehyung and Jungkook stop, their laughter turning into interest as they looked at the stage in anticipation.







I mean Meira was an idiot to ever doubt that JK wouldn't pull that off tbh-

Vote maybe?

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