47- Motives

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It took some getting used to, having two to three men tailing them at all times.

Taehyung was pretty oblivious, but Meira was always on edge.

She was used to being hyper-aware and even though she knew these people were there for her she couldn't help but glance at them every once in a while.

This didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who quickly figured out what was going on, much to Yoongi's frustration.

"Two? Three people?" 

"Yeah. They're pretty well hidden. I wouldn't have spotted them if it wasn't for May who occasionally glances at them out of habit. Nobody has noticed that either."

Yoongi took a deep breath as he contemplated what to do, taking a sip of his coffee while swivelling his chair towards the window again. He finally stood up and grabbed his binder.

"Where are you going?" 

"One of the advantages of being on this campus is that you're never too far from a grand piano," he said as he walked out of office, Jungkook ruffling his hair before walking out too, making his way back to the art department.


"Oh!" Taehyung heard someone exclaim as the door to the practice room opened, he turned around to find a ruffled Yoongi looking at him, a smile on his face

"Back to the stool eh, Taehyung", he said as he walked up to him, pulling up one of the closest chairs.

"Yes sir... Gotta work on some of the pieces before the year-end recitals!" he said with a grin

Yoongi smiled at him as he leaned in to take a closer look at the sheet music, "Nothing original yet?"

"Ah-" Taehyung bent over and rummaged in his bag, removing the folder, handing Yoongi his rough sheet music, "It's still in the draft stage but I could play it for you if you want-" 

"Yes please," Yoongi said as he handed back the music, leaning back on his chair as Taehyung got ready to play.

He listened to him with all his attention, his eyes closed, the only movement by him being his occasional sip of coffee.

"That was different..." Yoongi said thoughtfully

"Is that a good different or a..."

"I don't really know. It seems deeper now? Like you've learnt something more. Wiser..."

"Huh? Wiser? Well, I guess you could say that..." Taehyung as he looked back at the sheet music.

"You really put your soul into this don't you?" Yoongi said with a small smile

"I guess I do end up doing that unconsciously," Taehyung said with a sigh, "Is that a bad thing?"

"I don't think it is necessarily bad. Only people looking for comfort or meaning will spot it in your songs. In fact, I think it gives you an edge. Not everyone can do that."

Taehyung looked at the piano now, his fingers lightly brushing the keys.

"Why did you start playing?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Yoongi, who stopped mid-sip


Taehyung nodded as he scooted over the edge of his stool, getting closer to Yoongi.

"Playing the piano was and is my solace. Making something of my own and playing it is something special." Yoongi said with a smile, "But I don't end up putting my stories in there like you do-"

"Oh, but you do.." Taehyung said as he sat back, "Everything you create ends up being a piece of you, whether you like it or not. I do not set out to do what you tell me I do and honestly, I don't see it too... I guess it all depends on perception... Beauty and meaning, after all, lies in the eyes of the beholder"

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now