1- Lavender

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Taehyung grabbed his coffee cup and his binder filled with sheet music.

It was his first day at the university. He was going to be a piano major.


After years of practice and recitals.

After years of obsessively playing on that old grand piano in the music room every free minute that he got.

He finally got to study music.


He took a deep breath as he looked at his room and room-mate, a tousled head under a pastel pink duvet.

Park Jimin, a dance major.

He had decided to sleep in on his first day.

Taehyung shook his head in disapproval as he stepped out of his room, closing the door with a soft click.

The conservatory was a pretty long walk away from his dorm. He didn't mind it though, taking his time to look around, stopping occasionally to bend down and smell a rose.

He heard pounding feet behind him as he was kneeling on the ground. He looked up as a black-clothed figure rushed past him, a lingering scent of lavender in the air, hair flowing behind.

Huh. It can't be that late

He took a look at his watch and almost fell over.

He was going to be so so late for his first day.

"Oh my god Kim Taehyung you need to get a grip on yourself!" He whispered angrily before gulping down his coffee and running at full sprint.


He stopped in front of the quiet class door leaning against it, hands on his knees, catching his breath.

The door swung in unexpectedly and he stumbled in, barely maintaining his balance.

He stood up straight and looked at the person who opened the door. A vaguely familiar man, not much older than he was, but definitely shorter, looked at him in mild annoyance

"Aaaand you are?" he asked, eyebrows raising

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung"

"Ahh, Mr Taehyung. Welcome. Late for your first class so I must say, the first impression isn't great. I'm Min Yoongi, your "professor", he said in finger quotes "for music theory and composition. I hope you won't be late anymore, but for now, you may take a seat".

Min Yoongi? He knew him! He had watched his performances back in Daegu. He was partly, if not the entire reason, why Taehyung chose to pursue the piano.

Taehyung knew he used to teach here. But he's going to teach him? On the first day?!

Of all the days to be late

"I need to stop getting thrown off track," he thought as he bowed, a little flustered, before taking a seat, next to one of the big windows that illuminated the classroom.

"Is everyone here now? Okay then... As I was saying. Composition isn't something you can teach a person. Some people can do it, some people can't. It's all in your ears. It's like how I can't teach you musicality. But I can help you, guide you, tell you what sounds good and what doesn't-"


"Oh my god, Taehyung! You actually got up to reach class on time and you still didn't make it?" Jimin asked as he dug into his lunch

"Don't remind me," Taehyung said as he replayed the events in his head

"You should be more like me! I slept in and was still on time!" Jimin said as he smiled a wide smile

"Hey! The dance school is right next to our dorms! Don't you dare get me started-"

"Ok ok fine I get it-" Jimin says chuckling as he raised his hands in defence

Taehyung snatched a dumpling off of Jimin's plate and stuffed it in his face,

"That's my revenge. We're even now" he said, his cheeks full.

"HEY! GIMME MY DUMPLING BACK YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Jimin said as he banged his fist on the table, causing the people around them to look.

Jimin's ears immediately turned red as he mumbled a "you won't get away with this" at Taehyung, causing him to burst out laughing.

He quickly ate the rest of his dumplings, keeping an eye on Taehyung the entire time. He looked at his watch and let out a tiny gasp

"I forgot my break ends before yours! See you later Tae, I gotta go!" He said as he quickly grabbed his bag, giving Taehyung a tiny wave.

Taehyung looked around again.

"Find inspiration in the little things" Professor Yoongi had said that morning

The little things huh?

His eyes scanned around the room. Students were milling about, plates piled with food, earphones on heads buried in their phones, laughter here, chaos there. His eyes looked everywhere until they fell on a black hooded figure not far away from his table.

He saw her reach into her bag and pull out a pen, taking the cap off with her teeth, immediately drawing on her arms.

Even from here, he could see the vines as they crawled up her hands, delicate tendrils curling up her wrist, flowers blooming here and there.

She looked up to her side and quickly tugged down her sleeve, smiling at the two other girls who came and sat next to her.

I wonder why she did that.

His phone buzzed with a text. It was Namjoon, his classmate.

"Where are you?! Professor Seokjin is here! And he hates tardy students!!"


He slung his backpack and ran for the second time today.

"I should sign up for the track team," he whispered as he ran as fast as his converse highs would let him.

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