46- Music

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They walked out of the house, the three of them, Meira and Taehyung trailing their suitcases behind them as Oscar stood next to the car, shades on, his hands in his pockets.

Taehyung's mother walked up to the both of them and pulled them into a hug, "Take care of each other and stay safe... I can't wait to have you back here!" She said with a warm smile, "Maybe next time, I can steal Meira from you and do something with her!" she said with a grin, making Taehyung chuckle.

"I think I can live with that," he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek before breaking the hug.

She and his dad waved at them as the car disappeared into the distance.

"I still don't know if this is a good idea" she whispered, worry lacing her tone. Taehyung's father gave her a light squeeze on her shoulder before saying, "It'll be fine. They'll be fine..."


Taehyung sat in the front seat by Oscar's orders, which he did not disobey. Meira sat in the back seat, zoning out while watching the scenery outside, occasionally trailing her fingertips in the cool breeze that blew as they drove.

The ride was silent for the most part. Low music played from Meira's collection, with the occasional rock number that prompted her dad to crank up the volume as Meira passionately sang along, making Taehyung laugh.

He didn't dare sing though.

"Why are you so stiff?" Oscar asked, an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at Taehyung for a second

He nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to make eye- contact with the imposing figure next to him.

"He's scared of you," Meira said as she leaned forward in between their seats, earning a horrified glare from Taehyung and a chuckle from Oscar, "I see... Completely understandable."

"No- I'm not scared! Maybe- Maybe a little intimidated-"

"What for? I do understand that I give off that vibe, after all, it's a given in my line of work. But you don't have to feel that way," he said with a warmer tone of voice.

"I mean Meira gave off that vibe too- OW-" he yelped as May punched his arm, "Don't bring me into this" 

Oscar laughed, his eyes twinkling, "Maybe that is kind of my fault..."

A comfortable silence filled the car as Meira leaned forward and cranked up the volume for the next song, which was a calm pop song.

But a pop song nonetheless.

Soon Taehyung and Meira were belting out the lyrics, pointing at each other, making each other smile as Oscar drove on, happiness painting a pretty picture on his face.


Jungkook watched Yoongi warily as the latter pored over a bunch of papers intently. Yoongi had been more like himself after resting since that day. He had started scheming again, only getting out of the room occasionally to get some fresh air.

"Man do I miss my piano..." he mumbled as he turned a page

"I thought It was a part of your cover-" Jungkook said before he realised, 

He sometimes knew so little about his own brother

"Ahhh Jungkook don't tell me you actually thought that?" He said as he leaned back on his chair, an amused smile on his face.

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