25- Contemplation

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Meira blinked for a few seconds, processing what she had just heard, looking at Taehyung with a blank look on her face.

Taehyung stood there, the juice box in his hand as he started getting flustered
"I um- I mean- ahaha~"

"Tae... I'll- I'll need to think about this"  she said as she looked at him with an apologetic smile "this isn't exactly a yes. Nor is it a no... Just... Give me some time to decide okay?" She said as she took the box from him, chuckling

"Okay... I understand. I just want to let you know that if it's a no, don't worry too much about it! It'll all go back to how it was before-"

"I'm glad to hear that," Meira said with a smile as she looked back at the pictures on the installation, while Taehyung looked at her, lingering, before turning towards the pictures too.


Meira entered her dorm room and smiled tiredly.

Wasn't this what she wanted?

Love is a weakness for the Mafia

She took her phone out of her pocket and dialled a number

"Hey, Trace? We need to talk..."


"What do you mean May isn't in her room?" Jungkook asked Lauryn, causing Taehyung's ears to perk up.

"I mean exactly that. The door was locked and when I opened it with my keys, she wasn't there. Did she tell any of you anything?" Lauryn asked as she looked at the other five, who just shook their heads.

It had been two days since Meira came back to class. And Jungkook had asked Lauryn to check up on her since she hadn't been picking up calls or receiving their messages.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who seemed worried and confused and said, "Don't worry too much! It's Meira, she'll show up! Besides this is not the first time she's been out of touch with us!"

"I hope she calls up soon..." Lauryn sighed as Jimin wrapped an arm around her waist.


"Sup little sis?" Trace asked as he let her into the apartment, gesturing towards the dining table, where he had set up some leftovers.

It was midnight now, and she wouldn't have been able to get out the campus.

That is if she was an ordinary student.

She untied her sneakers and dropped down on one of the dining table chairs, grabbing a glass of water, scrunching her nose at the sight of a day old plate of fries.

"No food?" He said as he grabbed a handful, sitting next to her

"No food," she said firmly, sipping her water, before carefully placing the glass back on the table.


"Hmm?" She looked up a little dazed.

"What's on your mind bub?" He said as he put his feet up on the table.

"Taehyung just asked me out"

"Oh oh tell me more!" He said as he dropped his legs and scooted closer to her, causing her to roll her eyes

"Am I your only source of entertainment?"

"I mean I have to monitor security footage that includes you for the entirety of my day and I have to come and keep an eye on you in person from time to time too, not to mention training time is spent with you too, so yes, you're all I see every day and it's getting annoying-"

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