13- Safe

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Travelling by road was the safest way to get from one place to another for the mafia. No real records except for the license plate of the car, if all the transactions along the way were made by cash. Every other mode left a trail of paper that could be sniffed out if one was looking hard enough.

The Kim estate was an eight-hour journey by road. They reached the area late afternoon the next day, May taking over the driving once dawn broke.
Since the Kims came under Meira's father's protection, for the time being, they had a safe house not far from the mansion.

May fell on the couch as Trace switched on the furnace.
"We're gonna go there tomorrow, first thing in the morning. In the meantime, meet me in the gym in a couple of hours for today's training."

"Can't we ski-"

"No, May we can't skip a day", Trace said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, the exhaustion making him irritated, "I told you, you have to be the strongest you've ever been since Gloss is said to be involved and you should know that, of all people," he said as he turned and made his way to one of the spare rooms.

May sighed as she sunk into the couch, taking in the new safe house her dad had managed to acquire.
It was a large house nestled in the woods in the middle of nowhere. A contemporary building with large glass windows and a high ceiling in the main hall. She looked out the large windows as she thought about what she had to do tomorrow.

"How in the hell am I supposed to show them *I'm good enough*  when I, myself am, unsure..." she whispered

"Oh darling, I know you're more than good enough" came a voice from the entrance.
May lazily turned her head towards the door, used to the sudden appearance of her father.

"Come on hon, give me a hug," he said as he dropped his bag on the floor, extending his arms

"Why are you here. Alone?" May asked, noticing none of her dad's right-hand men had made an appearance.

"I just wanted to meet my daughter!" Come on now!" He said as he gestured her to come closer.

She sighed and got up from the sofa, reluctantly letting him smother her in a bear hug. He was way taller than her. 6'3'' to be precise, with dark hair and high cheekbones. He was an intimidating man, both in size and composure. It was no surprise he reached where he had, that too at a comparatively very young age.

Meira wasn't really close to him. He'd never really bothered to do anything special for her and she never really cared. She was pretty neutral when it came to him, but sometimes she couldn't help but hate him for the fact that she had to lead a double life.

And though she wasn't looking forward to meeting him, she felt an odd sense of comfort wash over her as he hugged her. Sometimes he and Trace were the only people who would keep her from losing her mind. Her anchors in her weird life.

"Come now, eat something. I'll be accompanying the both of you tomorrow, so rest easy" he said with a pat on her back as they made their way to the dining room.


"Master Taehyung, I have made all the necessary arrangements for your travel home tomorrow. I shall have a car pick you up at a safe distance away from the campus. Are you sure you will be able to manage all your luggage, I could send someon-" Mr Park, the family butler said

"No no! It's quite alright! If I can't lift a couple of bags, what good am I? " Taehyung said with a chuckle as he thought about going back home.

"Okay then, sir. The car will take you to the helipad. Your mother wanted you here as soon as possible, so this was the best way to do that."

"Ahhh I see. It's fine. Please be as discreet as possible."

"Yes. Of course. I shall send you the details of the driver as soon as possible."

"Yes, sure! Thank you!"

Tae cut the call and dropped the phone in his bag, looking up at Yoongi apologetically.

"Getting ready to leave?"

"Yes... I can't wait!" Tae said with a grin

Yoongi chuckled at his enthusiasm and turned the pages of the sheet music, " Now, from the top!"


The next day

Meira looked out the window, her mind filled with its usual endless chatter. The stupid in-ear didn't let her wear her earphones.

"It's the three of us, why do we need in-ears?" She asked as her dad handed them.

"We're a part of the Kim security now aren't we? We need to be available at all times".

"There's one thing bothering me in all this," May said as she wore it.


"Why would they ask the mafia to be their security. And why would they ask you? Of all the people- What am I missing here?"

"Ahhh I owe Taehyung's dad a favour."

"You? A favour? Seriously??" Meira asked incredulously. Trace just stood there wordlessly, catching Meira's attention.

"You knew about this?" She asked him, annoyed that she didn't know.

"He told me when you were in college... Now get in, I'm driving." Trace said as he opened the door for May, her dad taking the front seat.

May was awoken from her impromptu nap by the chatter in her earpiece.

*Click* 'Alert. There's been a breach in the convoy escorting Master Kim Taehyung from the helipad. High probability of the suspects being armed. Safety of Master Taehyung is of utmost priority. Everyone in the area, please proceed to coordinates-'


May's head went blank as she sat up, hearing her father inform the security that they were on their way.

"Wear this-" he said as he threw a mask at her "he doesn't need to know about you"

May obliged as she slipped it on, tying her hair in a braid. She flipped a couple of switches on the armrest, revealing the concealed guns in the car.

"It's showtime eh?" Trace said with a crazed laugh, causing her Father to smirk.

Meira systematically got ready for the encounter, slipping on the vest, arming herself with blades, and a handgun,  Slinging as assault rifle across her shoulders.

No matter how many times she did this, she didn't particularly enjoy it.

She sighed as she looked out the window again, this time hoping for the best.



Ahahaha a cliffhanger *my favourite-*

Shoutout to Buryafrnd!! For reading and supporting this and "coincidences"!! Thank you!!!!

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