52- Gone

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Taehyung scrunched his eyes closed, hyperventilating, too afraid to open his eyes as he heard a soft thud as a body hit the floor.

He heard footsteps as someone ran up the stairs.

It took him several minutes to gather the courage to open his eyes.

When he finally did, he expected to find Yoongi standing in front of him, Meira lifeless on the chair.

But it was not quite like that

Meira looked at him with wide, albeit unfocused eyes,  still too afraid to move, her face speckled with blood.


He looked down to see Yoongi's lifeless body on the floor, his gun on the floor next to him.

Taehyung looked around, and Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

Meira whimpered as she desperately tried to breathe

"May...May it'll be alright just focus on my voice okay???" Taehyung said as he tried to get out his restraints only to painfully feel the wounds on his back again

"Trace will find us May. Trace and your dad and everyone will find us and we'll be fine,"


Jungkook heard Yoongi say goodbye. He clenched his fists in determination.

For once in his life, he had a choice.

and he took it.

He reached into his pocket and took out his gun.

The one Yoongi had given him for his 18th birthday

Oh, how ironic that he was to die this way.

Without thinking twice, Jungkook pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing Yoongi's skull, immediately killing him.

"Goodbye hyung... And thank you for everything..." He whispered before turning around and running upstairs.
He rummaged in the box where they'd dropped Meira's phone and switched it on, before walking out to the car parked outside.

He drove, his vision blurry as tears streamed down his cheeks.
Yoongi hyung was far gone. 

He'd seen the insane glimmer in his eyes.

The relentless pursuit of one thing had made him a shell of a man.

Too far gone...


Trace bust into the suburban house. 

He looked at the map on his phone and followed it while the rest of the men spread out around the house. He found Meira's phone in the box while Oscar found the entrance to the basement. 

"Trace-" he said as he skipped steps, leading into the darkness below.

The sharp scent of blood hit their nostrils as they walked in, blinking to adjust their vision to the sudden lack of light. They spotted the figure on the floor, along with two other figures on chairs, facing each other.

They heard Taehyung say, "Meira! help Meira-" 

Oscar looked at the slumped figure in the chair opposite to Taehyung's

His eyes immediately fell on the silk neck wrap, taking out his silver knife he cut that frantically

"Meira hun, May..." he said as he felt her fall forward on him while he cut off her wrist and foot restraints. He slapped her face gently, trying to get some sort of response. 

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