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Meira let herself be dragged as Taehyung walked enthusiastically, weaving through the crowds.

Well not exactly weaving, since they had bodyguards clearing out a path for them.

They were in Paris in the middle of winter, on a vacation.

Five years after the incident.

Taehyung was now the head of the company, making him one of the most important and powerful people in the world.

A twenty-five-year-old, a head of a company, all eyes on him as he took decisions that affected millions.

Sure his dad had stayed on as the chairman, still helping in.

But him as the CEO was something new...

Some days he would just collapse from the weight of it all,

and Meira would be there by his side to comfort him.

And when Meira lost it, Taehyung would be there for her.

Such was their relationship after six years...

Comfort, support, love

and the occasional stupid bet that ended with one of them doing something incredibly dumb while the other one stifled their laughter.

Their breath made tiny clouds of fog as they walked in the chilly early afternoon winter air, walking towards the ice rink.

Le grande palais de glace

A huge indoor ice skating rink with arches and columns all around, a crisscrossing metal frame topped with glass for a roof.

Taehyung knew this place was perfect.

They walked up to the counter and got two pairs of skates, putting them on.

"How good are you at this?" Taehyung asked as they laced up their shoes

"Horrible-" Meira said as she shook her head


"Of all the things you've asked me to indulge you in till now, this is the worst one yet," she said a with a smile as she stood up carefully.

"I thought you'd be amazing since you're the embodiment of grace," he said with a smile as Meira rolled her eyes, "Well lucky for you, I'm pretty good!" Taehyung said as he took her hand, the both of them walking on to the ice, Meira wobbling as he held on to her, stabilising her.

They skated together for most of the afternoon, Taehyung skating gracefully while Meira looked at the ground, trying to not fall.

"May... look at me!" Taehyung said as he twirled

"You got me here to show off didn't you?" she said as her arms waved in the air, trying to not fall.

Taehyung laughed as he skated up to her, taking her hand, "Come on then!" he said with a grin.


They walked in the cold winter air, pulling each other close as they stood in front of the Eiffel tower, watching the glittering lights.

Taehyung reached into his coat.

"Oh my god, Taehyung," Meira said with a smile as he pulled out the old film camera, grinning.

"Go! Stand in front of it, and give me your best pose!"

Meira stood there as Taehyung took pictures, before handing it to one of the bodyguards, asking them to take pictures of them. He took a glance at his watch as he took the camera back.

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