43- Comfort

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"Meira hun, follow me, I'll show you to your room," Taehyung's mother said as she entered his room with a light knock on the door.

They turned around, Taehyung instinctively wrapping an arm around her waist. May looked down at his hand before looking back at his mother. "Sure, Ms Kim-"

"She'll sleep with me," Taehyung said without thinking, blushing when he realised what that sounded like "Ahh we sleep together back at the apartment too-" his eyes going wide as the words left his lips.

Meira stifled a chuckle as his mother looked at him with an amused smile. She walked up to him and ruffled his hair before looking at May fondly.

"If that's what both of you are comfortable with, I don't mind... Dinner's at 7:00 so until then why don't you," she looked pointedly at Taehyung, "Give her a tour of the place?"

Taehyung grinned at her before grabbing Meira's hand and leading her out of the room.


"And this-" he said as he opened the double doors, "Is the best room in the house, save for my bedroom~," he said as he smirked, May pushed him away as she stepped into the piano room.

The room had a white marble floor, windows on all sides, light chiffon curtains billowing in the late afternoon breeze, a black shiny grand piano in the centre.

"I can see why you like this place, its nothing short of magic..." May said as she carefully waled up the piano, running her fingers on the keys as she looked at the trees outside.

"It's even more magical when it rains... The pitter-patter of the rain outside makes for a nice musical addition when you play" Taehyung said as he sat down on the plush stool, patting down next to him. Meira pretended to flick her tailcoat as she sat down with an air of grace, her nose upturned as she looked at Taehyung with a serious expression that made him laugh.

"Step aside, fine sir," she said as she flexed her fingers before placing them on the shiny keys.

She played the first few bars of "Fur Elise" her brows furrowed in concentration as Taehyung watched her with mild amusement.

"When did you learn that?" he asked when she looked at him with a satisfied smile

"I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano... Was denied when I asked cause apparently mother used to play it too. The piano in our house has remained untouched for 20 years... or so everyone thinks," she said with a tiny smile "I just learnt the first few bars after following a video of a person playing it. I don't know what I'm doing, but its a nice party trick!"

Taehyung chuckled as he placed his hands on the keys, "Wanna learn how to play the rest of it? Put your hands on mine"

Meira scooted closer and did as she was instructed, following Taehyung's hands as they moved skillfully over the length of the piano.

They played the entire afternoon, the music echoing in the empty hallways of the mansion, along with their delighted laughter and occasional whining, 

"That doesn't sound right-"

"Aren't I the one attending music school here?"

"Fine, let me play the actual thing just to make sure," Meira said as she reached into her pocket

"Shut up and follow me," he said as he grabbed her hand, placing it on his again.

"This was all just one big excuse so that you could touch my hands wasn't it?" May said with a smirk, as Taehyung looked at her with an amused smile

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