50- Darkness

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Meira hummed as she went to the corner near the entrance of the atrium, a bunch of paintings were leaning against the wall, almost all of them covered in brown paper. She carefully sifted through them, pulling out the ones with her name on them. 

Totally engrossed in reading the names in the low-light that she didn't notice the man who had stood behind her.

Not until he pressed a cloth to her mouth, making her eyes go wide

"Hush now dearie... Don't resist too much. It'll only take a couple of seconds" he said in a smooth voice before leaning in to whisper, "After all, Jungkook's already done half the work-"


Darkness enrobed her.


Jungkook tapped the floor impatiently with his fingers as he glanced towards the direction Meira had gone in. 

He noticed through the corner of his eyes, the two bodyguards were getting antsy too.

He looked at his watch.

It had been a good 45 minutes since she had gone to get her paintings.

That's half an hour more than she would ever need to grab them and walk back.

Jungkook took a sip of his cool coffee as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone, waiting for her.

Waiting for confirmation from Yoongi


"In the campus? That's too risky" Jungkook had said when he first heard about everything, early in the morning in Yoongi's office

"It may seem like it, but it's pretty foolproof!"  He said with a glimmer in his eyes that Jungkook recognised to be Gloss.

And when Gloss made a plan, he had considered every possibility, every variable. 

"Nobody would be suspicious about you, since you would be right there in front of them as she *vanishes*" he laughed before continuing, "Ohh this one's beautiful. And it's finally ending! AH! Jungkook you were right!"

Jungkook looked up at that

"Some things must be done with our own hands!"


Jungkook got a little notification that read "done"

He sighed, setting his empty cup down. He tried dialling Meira, only to get no response.

"Where did she go?" he said as he tried calling her a couple more times, getting more flustered with every call.

If there was one thing Jeon Jungkook was good at, at this point, it was acting.

He got up and walked to the entrance, keeping an eye out for Meira's bodyguards as they followed him too.

Walking up to the corner, he found her paintings, leaning against the wall untouched. He looked around as he called her again, only to be sent to voicemail. He looked at the clock on his phone 10:30. An hour since she had left him alone. 

His hands shook as he dialled Taehyung's number.

"Yo!" He heard Taehyung at the other end, probably grateful he had an excuse for a break

"Taehyung.. is Meira with you?"

He heard Taehyung sit up at that, "What do you mean? She was supposed to be at the atrium, working on the arrangement-"

"Yeah, she was here. I got her coffee too. But she went to get some of her paintings from the entrance and now it's been an hour and she isn't here-"

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