51- Flinch

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Jungkook sat on the steps to the basement, listening to everything going on. 

He didn't want to watch any of it.

He looked down at his hands, tired.

He didn't like any of this.

Sure it was revenge. 

He had gone through it, why shouldn't they?

But this wouldn't change anything. 

This wouldn't bring Jiyun noona or mother or father back-

How was this any different than what had happened to them?

An entire family slaughtered because of a grudge held by one person. 

He softly tapped his feet as he heard Taehyung scream against the gag for the fifth time, Meira's quiet sobs echoing in the basement.


So this was how it felt.

Watching someone you love suffer while your hands were tied.

Every time a broken sob left her throat, the restraint around her neck got tighter, choking her more.

But she couldn't help it when Taehyung sat on the ground in front of her, his face tear-stained, his voice hoarse as he begged and screamed, a masked man beating him, kicking and punching him senseless, stopping for a few seconds so that he'd regain his breath, before hitting him again. Gloss stood next to Meira the entire time, his hands in his pockets, not breaking eye- contact with Taehyung.

Meira could feel the anger radiating off of him.

At the tenth scream, Gloss raised his hand, the man stopping, tying a barely awake Taehyung back to the chair before leaving, his footsteps receding. Gloss walked up to Taehyung, who leaned front, panting.

"How did that feel?" he seethed as he kneeled in front of Taehyung, looking into his unfocused eyes, "Now imagine coming home to your entire family on the floor of your house, Bodies everywhere as you wander, mentally ticking off whom you saw, making a list of the dead" he spat, his voice filled with venom.

Meira pulled against the restraint, only to be pulled back tighter, a tiny yelp leaving her lips, making Taehyung's head shoot up.

"May-" he whispered as he registered her for the first time, her hands and legs bound, a silk cloth around her neck as she choked.

"No no no no-" he said against the gag, making Gloss chuckle.

"Man this is nice! two birds with one stone! Both of you will be dead and gone, but before that," he whispered leaning in, "suffer"


Trace was losing his mind. 

He'd called Oscar, who said he'd immediately be there. 

Taehyung had disappeared too. His last location being the main pathway from the conservatory to the art department, his bodyguard unconscious on the ground by the time Meira's bodyguards had gotten there.

A note with a gold G, in his pocket.

He paced around the office as he ran his fingers through his hair before he grabbed a chair and smashed it on the ground multiple times, screaming. 

Oscar opened the door, his face blank, his silk gloves on as he looked at Trace with a determined expression, 

"They'll be fine. Let's get to work" he said as he took the seat at the desk, calling up whoever was available.

"Do we have any leads? Any leads at all?" he asked Trace calmly

"that's the entire problem..."

"Check the CCTV footage. Why was Taehyung in the pathway, was there someone with him?"

Trace looked up, "No-"

"What is it?"

"He met up with one of their friends. And that guy was with Meira too... but the bodyguards said it couldn't have taken Meira. But we know nothing about Taehyung-"

"Who is this guy?" Oscar said as he leaned forward


"Jungkook!" Gloss called out to him, making him flinch, "Come say hi!"

"I told you I want nothing to do with this" he replied softly

"Oh come on! don't be such a wuss-"

Taehyung and Meira looked up towards the dark staircase.

Taehyung was numb, his mouth dry,  lingering taste of metal in his mouth, his entire body aching.

"At least say goodbye!" Gloss said as he walked to the other end of the basement, a couple of clicks echoing before he came back with a handgun.

Meira looked at Taehyung in alarm, before looking at the dark staircase again as they heard hesitant footsteps echo.

"Come on now, help me decide. Who goes first? May?" he said as he pointed at Meira, "Or Taehyung here-" 

May- Taehyung-

"Wait-" Taehyung started, his voice hoarse, he looked at the figure looming in front of him, the gun's barrel pointing at his face. 

Gloss looked over at him amused, "Got something to say?" He walked up and untied the gag.

Taehyung looked up at Gloss, his tongue running over his dry salty lips, "Professor Yoongi-"

Gloss laughed as Meira's eyes went wide as she realised

He took off his mask, grinning at Meira, "I thought you, of all people, would've realised-"

All those times she thought something was off-

She had known this entire time, so why had she not raised her suspicions before?

Maybe she didn't want it to be true...

"And Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as the footsteps got louder.

"Oh, Jungkook-ah? Well..." he gestured towards the steps with a flourish as Jungkook walked into the light, his face blank, "He's my brother... my little brother~"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, tears welling in his eyes again, making Jungkook look away.

He didn't say anything though.

He just looked at Jungkook as tears rolled down his cheeks. Meira looked at Jungkook too, her vision blurring as the fabric tightened around her throat.

"I guess that's that," Yoongi said as he shrugged his shoulders.

He cocked his gun and pointed it at Meira, "She's first. That way, you will realise how much it hurts, losing someone you love-" 

Taehyung looked over at Meira who barely had her eyes open, her breathing shallow as the air was slowly sucked out of her

"No... Please..."  he begged as Jungkook looked back up at the staircase, his hands balled into fists.



Taehyung screamed as he closed his eyes, warm blood splattering on his face.












worried laughter, "what the fUCK-"

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