49- Echoes

336 35 11


Legit went F*CK it-

I'll put out the entire book today. 

Cause why the hell not.



Taehyung walked into the room hesitantly. He saw Meira seated on the bed under a mountain of covers, her glasses on as she stared at the TV.

"Hey bub," he said as he walked up to her, sitting down next to her,

"How'd the recital go?"

"Oh it was great!" he said as he patted her head, making her smile, "How are you feeling now?"

"Better. Wayy better. Need to work on stuff though so-"

"Shut up. You aren't working anymore till you're fine"

Meira sighed as she looked at the screen again.

She heard footsteps from the entrance of the room, making her tense up. 

"Taehyung-" she whispered, "someone's out there-"

He chuckled as Jungkook leaned in, looking at Meira with a grin

"What-" she said as she looked at Taehyung in confusion

"I've talked it out with Trace... It's fine..." Taehyung whispered as the rest of them walked in with smiles 

"We've brought you soup! and other fun stuff!" Lauryn said as she raised the bag

"Can you move to the living room, love?" Taehyung asked as Meira nodded. He pulled out one of his winter coats and wrapped it around her as all of them made themselves comfortable in the living room, arranging plates and serving the snacks while Jungkook fiddled with the TV.

"I still cannot believe this is an entire penthouse-" Jimin said as he looked around from his prime spot on the floor,

"And I cannot believe you're on the floor when there's an entire recliner there," Meira said

"There was an entire recliner-," Jungkook said as he sat down on the seat, immediately sinking in

"No, but seriously Taehyung, when were you even planning on telling us, that you're not just any Kim, but THE Kim-" Jimin said as he crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow.

Taehyung chuckled nervously, "Never- I didn't want this fact to affect or change the way you guys came to know me or treat me..."

"That's a fair point," Namjoon said as he nodded his head thoughtfully

"Ah. Nothing will change the way we see you, so don't worry too much about it. You're just Taehyung to us, in the best way possible," Hobi said with a reassuring smile.

Lauryn handed May a tray with a bowl and announced to the rest of them to grab whatever they wanted, picking a movie for them to watch.

They watched a movie together, all of them, humorous banter and commentary exchanged in some parts and pin-drop silence in others. Taehyung sat next to Meira, and arm wrapped around her the entire time.

Jungkook took one look at them and turned away, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach.


"Was Trace completely fine with this?", Meira asked as Taehyung walked up to the bed after a shower

"Oh yeah! He didn't mind. Said he didn't see the harm. His only concern was the penthouse part but I dealt with that so-"

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now