2- Juice box

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Meira woke up with a start.

"Finally!" Lauryn exclaimed as she was grabbing her bag and stepping out the door "I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour. Now hurry up, you're going to be late!" She said as she closed the door.


Meira jumped out of her bed and hastily started getting ready.

Lucky for her, she'd had years of experience of dashing to places and still making it on time.
She hastily brushed her hair, slipping a hair tie on her hand for later, laced up her boots and got out of the room, slamming the door shut before stretching and taking off to class in a full sprint.

Was it necessary to carry all her art supplies to class?
Did she ever learn to pack light?

She cursed the heavy bag as it pounded against her back, oblivious to the guy who looked at her curiously.


She made it to class on time. Choosing a discreet seat in a corner, she took out her sketchbook and started drawing, her hood up.
Everyone had started introducing themselves to each other and she had no interest in doing that.

"Hi!" She heard a voice next to her.


She looked up and saw a boy with large eyes and a friendly smile, his hand outstretched.
She shook his hand and said "Hello."

"You draw?" He asked, nodding his head towards her open sketchbook

"We're in an art school bub. I obviously draw. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here" she said, feigning annoyance

A faint blush crept on his cheeks as he gave her a flustered smile "Of course!"

"Oh! I haven't introduced myself... I'm Jungkook. And I believe I'm sitting next to you for the year" he said as he pointed to the desk next to hers.

Ahhh nooo.

"I'm Meira. Call me May"

"May... Nice to meet you!" He said as he gave her a grin, which oddly reminded her of a rabbit, making her smile.

Maybe this won't be that bad after all

"Everybody settle down!" A voice called out from the front of the class.


May found herself alone in the cafeteria.
Lauryn would be a bit late since her rehearsals always ended at odd times.

She ate her food as she watched a show, not looking up the entire time. Once she was done, she sat awhile before she got bored.
She took out her black gel pen and dug her bag for her sketchbook.

She had left it on her desk back in class.

She sighed as she opened the pen with her teeth and decided to draw on her arms instead.

Everything was a canvas if one tried hard enough.

She let her hand draw mindlessly, crisscrossing here and there, maybe a flower here would look nice~

She looked up for a second and spotted Lauryn heading towards the table.
May tugged on her sleeves and hid her doodles.

It was instinct at this point.


Jungkook would Not. Stop. Talking.

Well, at least it wasn't small talk. He spoke about interesting things.

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