5- Moments

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The next day, Meira made her way to the arena after class. She didn't know why they always ended up there, but it was probably because sitting outside after being cooped up the entire day helped them think better.

She reached into her bag and fished out, much to Taehyung's delight, her film camera.
He reached out and took it from her as she showed him how to use it.

"CHEESE!" he said as he held it up to his eyes

"Hey! No! Tae!" Meira said as she covered her face with her hand.

She sighed as she heard a click and heard Taehyung giggle as he brought the camera down.

"I'll make you buy more film if you waste it like this," she said with a huff

"Sure! I don't mind!" He says with a grin

She shook her head as she said "okay then... But we need to decide on what exactly we're going to do for this. Especially since it's now a competition-"

"I don't like losing," Taehyung said

"Me neither. So we gotta be serious about this... What will this project be about?" She said as she crossed her knees.

"I was thinking about it being something to do with moments... Since we have a camera as an option for a medium and I could compose something that could capture the feeling-"

"Moments huh?" She said as she looked at the sky.

"I mean- we don't have to do it if you don't want to it's just something that came up-"

"No no, I like it. And since we are working on it the entire year-" she said as she turned to face him

"Exactly what I thought!" He said with a grin

"Okay then... We could each take the camera on alternate days. On the side, I could work on a way to present everything and you could work on the music and how to incorporate that into the entire thing. We could make an installation of sorts instead of a display-" she said as her mind started whirring with all the possibilities,

"Sounds like a plan!" He said as he raised his palm for a high five

She raised her eyebrow before obliging

"Should we make a secret hand-"

"No Tae. No. Let's not do that" May said she leaned back on the step and looked at the trees, lost in thought.
She heard a click and she whipped her head around

"Dammit. If only this was silent!" Tae said as he glared at the camera

She couldn't help but smile as she opened up her bag and took out her sketchbook and earphones, jotting down ideas for the installation, while Tae out the book he was reading, all the while contemplating about the music.


They'd meet up every evening. Sometimes at the conservatory, if Meira finished her classes before him, but most of the time at the arena, each getting each other juice boxes.

It was now Saturday. Taehyung took a deep breath and entered the art department. They were going to develop the week's photos in the darkroom.

Taehyung had listened to Meira's instructions carefully but soon found himself lost in the labyrinthian building.

He soon ended up in an older part of the building, evident from the difference in style and materials. Ornate columns and wooded latticework covered the large windows of the corridors. He forgot all about the meeting and started wandering the halls, stopping at the occasional painting on display.

He was alone in this area, but soon spotted her sitting on one of the window seats, legs up on the bench, leaning on the armrest as she scribbled in her sketchbook, earphones on.

She was wearing a sundress today. The one with sunflowers, with long flowing sleeves. Her hair was in a ponytail that moved because of the gentle breeze from the window.

He tried to be as quiet as possible, taking small steps as he brought the viewfinder of the camera to his eyes.

Kneeling on one knee, he took what he hoped to be, the perfect shot.

He got up and tapped her shoulder and she looked up in mild annoyance before realisation crept in and she looked at her watch.

"Ahh shit... I'm sorry. I get lost in this sometimes" she said as she stood up and closed her sketchbook.

"I understand." He said as he looked around the quiet corridor "I would get lost here too..."

"You DID get lost didn't you?" She said with a smile as she slung her backpack

Taehyung chuckled "How did you guess?"

"I found this place by getting lost too." She chuckled as she recalled that day when she was just trying to get out of the building, but somehow ended up here.
"Maybe you're never really lost... You just find things you're supposed to find in a different way than others, even if it takes longer~" she said as she sighed and looked at the columns

"Let's go?" She asked as she looked back at him

"Yup!" He said, "lead the way, m'lady!" He said as he extended an arm in the direction he came from, bowing slightly.

"Actually it is..." she took his hand and pointed in the right direction "...this way! Onward!" She declared as she dramatically stomped her way towards the college's darkroom, Taehyung marching with equal drama behind her.


They worked in silence as he handed her whatever she needed, her hands developing the pictures mechanically, him hanging them up to dry.

They soon finish hanging up all the pictures, getting out of the room soon after, seating themselves on a bench outside.

Taehyung soon brings up a game on his phone
It all started with a
"Do you know how to play this?"

And it soon ended up with the both of them screaming their heads off in the middle of the corridor as they furiously tapped on their phones.

Jungkook heard the ruckus as he was wandering the halls and he recognised their voices

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" He said as he shushed them

"Playing a game- Hey! TAEHYUNG WHAT THE FU-"

"LANGUAGE!" Jungkook yelled, "what game?" He said as he seated himself beside Taehyung and leaned to take a look

"OH MY GOD ALL THAT FUSS OVER TIC TAC TOE," Jungkook said as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"ITS NOT JUST TIC TAC TOE!" Meira protested without taking her eyes off the screen


"This isn't a tournament... THIS IS WAR"

"Aren't y'all coming for lunch?" Jungkook said as he stood up, trying to get them away from this craziness.

They exchanged a look and put their phones away.

"If you bring food into this now... Well..." Meira said as she slowly put her phone-in

"JUNGKOOK'S PAYING!" Taehyung yelled as he snatched Jungkook's wallet from his pocket and ran at full sprint

"HEY!" Jungkook called out and ran

Meira slung her backpack and ran behind them, laughing. 


I honestly don't know where this is going LMAO. But once I start writing, it just comes... Hope you enjoyed this chapter...


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