QnA w/ the gang!

406 31 44

Curtains open and the stage lights up. We have the author sitting at the centre of a white semi-circular marble table, Namjoon, Jimin and Lauryn to her right and Meira, Taehyung and Hoseok to her left.

Madeline: Hello everyone! I have been able to contact everyone in this *whispers* book, to ask them burning questions regarding their lives!

Meira: I'm sorry, who are you again?

M: Never mind who am I! We are here to know more about you! *Taps cue cards on the table*

Jimin: How do you know us? *narrows eyes*

M: *Nervous laughter* Let's not get into that- Namjoon why are you looking at me like that?

Namjoon: Our creator *Bends on the floor*


Hoseok: What-

M: Ignore him *whispers* Namjoon you can't go around bowing down to people-

Namjoon: Yes Ma'am.

M: Ms Meira please get off your phone, Trace isn't going to come to your rescue here- WOAH THERE MISSY KNIFE DOWN


Taehyung: *places a hand on her leg* Honey, let her finish-

Meira: *whispers* I don't trust her-

M: I can hear everything! Well then! Let's get on with the interview!

Lauryn: Why did cue cards magically appear in front of me?

M: Ah- I decided that you will ask me questions instead of Meira here since she's so suspicious about me-

Namjoon: *the creator*

M: Namjoon shush

Jimin: Wait a minute- Where are we? I don't remember travelling here- and we haven't seen each other in ages because our schedules never match up so how did you?

M: uhhhhh *nervous laughter* Let's not think too much about that. Plus, I'm supposed to interview you guys, not the other way around so- *taps cue cards like a gavel on the desk* Let's begin!

*Cheery upbeat music*

M: Oh and before we 🎶Begin🎶 *chuckles* MAN THAT NEVER GETS OLD! *wipes a tear* I have a special guest here! Jungkook! Please walk in and take a seat next to Hoseok here

*Everyone turns to the dark off-stage area, where Jungkook walks up, confusion apparent on his face, followed by surprise and shock*

Jungkook: What-

M: Come on and sit down would you love? Don't think too much about it...

*Jungkook timidly walks up and sits down next to Hobi, all eyes on him, since he had been incognito all this while*

M: Everyone, please refrain from asking Jungkook any questions about his current location or what he's doing with his life now... It was really hard to get ahold him and let's not make him too uncomfortable huh?

Meira: I really don't like her

M: OKAY! Let's start!

*Cheery music plays again*

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