jealousy (requested)

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When you first opened the front door, you expected to be brought into Selena's embrace. You've been gone for most of the day and usually, she's bringing you into her arms as soon as you walk through the door.

But instead, you found the living room empty dark. Walking further inside, you realized Selena wasn't anywhere downstairs. Curious as to what she was up to and wanting nothing more than that hug from her, you rushed up the stairs and into your shared bedroom.

She was sitting at the foot of the bed with her phone on her lap. She was scrolling through whatever she was looking at and you thought she was so invested in it that she didn't hear you come inside.

But when you greeted her and went to sit beside her and let your hand rest on her thigh, she was pushing your hand away and clenching her jaw.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine." She grumbled but didn't look your way, not even when she locked her phone and put it aside.

"Did I do something?"

"Have a nice day with your friend?"

It was all she asked and you could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't thrilled about it. But you hadn't done anything wrong and you weren't sure why she was so upset at you.

"It was nice. I had fun."

She didn't say anything. She only licked the corner of her lips with her tongue and breathed out a sigh.

"What's going on with you today? You seem upset at me."

"Oh, really?" She scoffed. "Do you even realize how many days in a row that you've been out with your friend now? This is the third day in a row and you've gone out late in the evening here and there on other days. I've barely even seen you!"

"Is that what this is about?" You asked and grabbed her hand.

She needed your touch. She needed the comfort it gives her, no matter her mood right now. So she didn't pull away. She just looked at her lap and bit her lip instead.

"I feel like you'd rather hang out with your friend now more than me. I've missed you a lot. We haven't much time together lately."

"Oh, Sel," you whispered sadly. You felt hurt knowing that she was saddened by you choosing to spend more time with your friend than her.

"I guess I'm just jealous. You're my girl and I don't get much time with you now. I miss you."

"I miss you too." You said and when she lifted her head, you began to brush your knuckles along her cheek ever so softly. "I didn't even realize how much time I've been spending with her. But I realize now that I haven't been with you often and for that, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She said before sending you a sad smile.

You climbed onto her lap and looped your arms around her neck. Her smile grew and her eyes brightened before she put her arms around your back.

"I promise to spend some more time with you, my love. How does dinner sound tomorrow? My treat."


You leaned down and captured her lips with your own. Melting into your kisses, she fell onto her back and tightened her arms around you so you couldn't move away.

"But it's still early. How about we spend some quality time together tonight too? We can watch bad reality shows or your favorite movies. We could eat some snacks and cuddle, too."

"I love the sound of that." She smiled and pulled you in for another kiss.

"Don't be jealous anymore, okay? You're still my girl and I'm all yours. I love you with all of my heart and soul."

"I love you too, angel." She spoke before kissing you once again. Now that she has you in her arms, she doesn't want to let you go, and you didn't mind that at all.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now