kissing her unexpectedly

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When you rolled over in bed, expecting to be embraced by your girlfriend but only felt the cool cotton sheets against your warm back, your eyes opened wide.

You sat up and looked around the room. You could already tell it was a beautiful day, and that it was gonna be a good one. Maybe it was the sound of the birds chirping so happily just outside the window r the sunshine on the sheets because you and Selena fell asleep so quickly you forgot to close the shades. Or maybe, it was because you could hear Selena downstairs, meaning she was home today.

You excitedly jumped out of bed and went downstairs. Before you even reached the kitchen you could hear her beautiful voice as she sang 'fun' quietly to herself. You crept up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist.

She giggled and flipped the pancakes in the pan before turning around to you. "Good morning angel!" She said happily, brown eyes lit up with utter happiness and smile so wide that it was impossible for you to not smile back at her.

"Good morning, Sel. I didn't know you were gonna stay home today," you said as you put your arms around her and dropped your forehead against her shoulder. "Figured I'd surprise you. I'm also making us breakfast."

You could see how proud of herself she was. "I know how much you love pancakes so that was the first priority. But what else would you like? I can make us-"

You pressed your lips to hers and felt her grin against your lips before she moved one hand to your cheek and kissed you back just as passionately as you were kissing her. When you pulled away a moment later, both of you breathless but giggly messes, she could only gaze at you adoringly.

"Not that I'm complaining, because I most definitely am not, but what was that for?"

You just shrugged your shoulders and laid one more peck upon her lips. "I don't know. I'm just happy and grateful. I'm happy you're home today and you just do so much for me, always taking such great care of me and making sure that I'm happy, and I'm really thankful for that."

She put her hand on the small of your back. "I just do all of this because I love and care about you," she smiled. "I know. I love you too."

She leaned in for one more kiss before turning back around to continue making you both breakfast. You just stood there with your arms wrapped around her and your chin resting comfortably on her shoulder.

You just loved her so much.

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