you're sick on vacation - family imagine (requested)

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A nice vacation with your wife and daughter was all you really wanted. And the first two days had been amazing. The clear blue water was warm and inviting and you couldn't get enough of it or the memories that you and Selena get to make with your five-year-old who couldn't seem to get enough of being able to splash around in the water and run barefoot in the sand.

But you didn't expect day three to go anything like this.

You lay on one side of the bed while Selena lays on the other and Rosie was curled up between you two.

You woke up around one am and peeked around the room, the moonlight and the sound of the waves crashing outside the window made you feel warm and cozy. Until you weren't.

A cold sweat washed over you and your stomach was feeling a little achy. You tried to get comfortable, thinking if you just closed your eyes and could fall back asleep then you'd wake up feeling better. But you couldn't get comfortable no matter what you did.

And then you felt nauseous. Just a little while after you woke up you felt it. That telltale sign as your stomach began to turn that you were gonna be sick. You groaned and carefully got out of bed and quietly padded into the bathroom. You made sure you closed the door behind you so the light wouldn't wake up your girls that were sound asleep.

You sat on the floor on your knees in front of the toilet for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes until you began to get sick. It made your body ache and caused a shiver to come over you, the cold sweat you felt only seeming to get worse.

Selena woke up just a couple minutes after you first got sick. She woke up feeling a little confused when she saw that your side of the bed was empty. But when she heard you throwing up in the bathroom she began to worry.

She got out of bed, careful not to wake up Rosie. She ran to the bathroom and made sure she closed the door after coming in before she knelt down behind you and rubbed your back. "Shh, it's okay, baby. I've got you." She tried to comfort you as you started to dry heave.

When you finished you took a few dropped your head on the seat and took a few breaths. "You okay?" You nodded your head, not wanting to worry her more than she clearly already was. You could hear sniffling coming from outside the door and you knew exactly who it was.

Selena opened the door to find your daughter standing there with her bear pulled to her chest as tears ran down her cheeks. She was clearly scared and worried about you. Selena picked her up and took her back to the bed while you brushed your teeth.

When you walked out of the bathroom your little girl ran to you and hugged your legs. "Oh, Rosie, honey." You picked her up and carried her back to bed. you laid back against the mattress and sandwiched her between you and Selena. "I think I might have food poisoning." You said and rubbed your eyes. Selena and Rosie both had the same thing for dinner while you had something different and you did feel a little funny after eating but tried to play it off as just being overly tired.

"That would make sense. You feel sick still?" You nodded your head. "Just a little." You muttered as you ran your fingers through Rosie's dark curly hair that she inherited from Selena. "Okay. Try to sleep it off. I'm here if you need anything." She managed to lean over and kiss your cheek without startling Rosie, and soon enough you all fell back asleep.

Selena put a pair of socks on and climbed out of bed the following morning. Rosie laid in bed beside you and held your hand as you slept. "Honey? Let's go get you some breakfast." Selena said and rubbed Rosie's back, trying to coax her away from you to get the small girl something to eat. "No. Wanna stay with mommy." She lisped slightly - a little quirk that was beginning to show more and more these days.

Selena nodded her head understandingly. "I know you do, but we need to get a little something in your tummy," she said as she tickled her stomach making Rosie giggle and let go of your hand. She kissed your cheek and let go, clutching Selena's hand in her small one as they walked down the long hallway to get her something to eat.

When they came back up to the hotel room Rosie was right by your side again. She put her head on your shoulder and when you opened your eyes you were greeted with her big brown eyes. "Good morning my darling" you smiled and rubbed her back. "Hey, sleepyhead. you alright this morning? feeling any better?" you nodded and tried to sit up but Selena gently pushed back down.

"Nope. You're not leaving this bed under any circumstances today. Rosie and I both decided that we are going to spend this day in bed with you while we watch tv and cuddle together." You grinned and smiled at both of your girls. "That's sweet but we're by an ocean for goodness sakes. You should be out there enjoying it."

Rosie took her little blanket and covered you up with it. It was tiny, barely covering from your chest down to your hips. But the gesture was so sweet and it almost made you cry. "Love you" she mumbled as she stared up at you.

Every time you look at her you see your wife. She truly is the spitting image of Selena. From her hair down to her toes - every piece of her was a replicant of your wife. And you couldn't ever get enough of it.

"I love you too, honey." She snuggled close to you and even placed her bear along the inside of your elbow, letting her arm rest across your stomach as she held it lightly in her fingertips. "We still have over a week here. Trust me, we'll have time for that. But right now you're our main priority. All that matters is you feeling better. Right, Rosie?"

When your little girl didn't respond you both glanced down at her to see she was fast asleep with her head on your shoulder. You laughed and rubbed her back as Selena leaned in to kiss your temple a few times.

Now that Rosie was asleep it gave her the chance to really check up on you. She pressed her hand against your forehead, feeling relieved when she didn't feel any sign of a fever. "You're not warm. Are you feeling sick at all? Your stomach hurting or any nausea?" You shook your head and brought your hand up to lightly caress her cheek. "No, I feel just a lot better now. Like I said I think it was just food poisoning. I feel a lot better now. Besides, how could I not when I have my two favorite girls here to take such good care of me?"

Selena smiled and kissed your lips softly before laying back on the bed. "Well, your two favorite girls will be here to nurse you back to health. you need anything, and I mean anything, you let me know or you let Rosie know what you need so I can get it for you." You nodded as she turned on Netflix and laid on her side so she could curl up to you and Rosie.

You knew that with your girls there, you'd be feeling much better soon enough.

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