in love (requested)

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As you walked through the front door, your long day now behind you, all you could think about was Selena.

She didn't seem very talkative today, only sending you messages here and there. You had texted her you were heading home just a little bit ago but she never responded, and you had a feeling as to why.

You went to look around for her, but it didn't take long for you to figure out where she was. You could hear the friends theme song and it brought a smile to your face; knowing just how much she loves that show, knowing that you were most likely seconds away from hearing her joyful laugh filling your ears.

But it didn't. It was just quiet. Even as you climbed the stairs and heard that familiar "we were on a break" line, her laugh still didn't sound.

You felt a little worried the more you began to think about it. But when you reached the doorframe, each little worry fled your mind when you saw her sleeping, looking like an angel. You chuckled quietly as you stepped closer and closer to her. With her dark locks spread messily along the soft pillowcase and her pink lips parted just slightly, she looked too cute for words.

You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and loaded up your camera to take a picture or two... or ten.

You gave her a sweet kiss to her temple then put your phone down and started to get yourself ready for bed. After changing into your cozy pj's, brushing your teeth, and taking off your makeup, you made your way out of the bathroom and tiptoed to bed.

You climbed into bed and immediately were brought into Selena's embrace.

You giggled when her breath fanned against your shoulder followed by the feeling of her lips peppering kisses along your skin ever so softly.

"I'm happy you're home."

When you turned your head, coming face to face with her before your eyes locked, you felt your heart skip a beat over the sleepy look in her eyes and the cute little lazy smile on her lips.

"Me too. You had me a little worried. You didn't seem very talkative and you never answered my text when I told you I was on my way home."

You laid your head on her shoulder. You moved her sleeve down her shoulder blade just a little; just enough to litter her skin with kisses.

"Sorry, baby girl. I was sleepy." She tried to say but the words fell from her lips in a quiet whisper instead as her head fell back to the pillows and her eyes closed and she let herself melt into your kisses.

You stole a few kisses from her lips afterward, sighing as she tangled her fingers in your hair and moved her lips slowly against your own.

"It's okay. I'm quite tired, so I'm ready to go to sleep if you are."

She opened her tired eyes once more. They felt heavy as she kissed you once more, but she managed to pour her heart into it, as she always does.

"I love you." She whispered and closed her eyes again. She was happy that as she falls back asleep, this time she gets to hold you close.

You took a minute to admire her. To admire her skin as you brushed your fingers over her skin. You took a minute to kiss her jawline and her cheek and just stare at her. She was beautiful, and she was yours; you were indescribably in love with her.

"I love you too, Sel. Sweet dreams, my love."

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now