you're worried about her

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You sighed heavily as you checked your phone once more and a wave of disappointment washed over you when you saw there were still no texts from Selena. She was supposed to be home nearly two hours ago and you haven't heard anything from her yet.

You were getting a little anxious. Your brain always jumped to the worst case scenario and you were worried that something happened to Selena. You tried to resist the urge to check your phone again, both for the time and to see if she's texted yet, but it was hard to resist.

Another hour went by and you're really getting worried now. You checked your phone once more and when there was nothing there you grabbed your keys, ready to drive to the studio where Selena had spent the day, but you dropped them when the door opened and Selena walked inside.

You put your phone on the counter and ran over to her. She caught you in her arms as you wrapped your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist. "Whoa, hey, baby." You sighed, feeling so relieved that she was okay and that she was finally home. "You're okay" you whispered as you placed your hands on her cheeks. "yeah, i'm okay, sunshine. What's going on?" You unwrapped your legs from her waist and Selena carefully put your feet back on the ground. "You're late, really late, and I was worried about you."

Selena chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Sorry, sunshine. Got caught up in the studio and my phone died. I lost track of time. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." You leaned your forehead on hers. "It's okay, Sel. Just happy you're okay."

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