she cheats with your best friend (requested)

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You frowned as you walked up the steps of Selena's house, phone pressed to your ear in an attempt to reach her once again.

She hasn't been answering your calls or texts all day. You tried to brush off your worries by telling yourself she was probably stuck in the studio, but clearly that wasn't the case considering her car was parked in the driveway.

You reached her voicemail once more and ended the call with a long, heavy sigh. You knocked on the door a couple of times before your anxiety began to eat away at you and you decided to use the spare key she gave you instead.

You let yourself in and planned to go check the downstairs area first, but the sound of a moan caught you off guard. It came from upstairs, from Selena's bedroom, to be exact.

You tiptoed up the stairs and saw Selena's bedroom door was open just a crack. "Selena?" You took the few short steps to her bedroom and pushed the door open, never expecting to see what you saw.

Selena was making out with your best friend, and pretty passionately at that.

They seemed to be so into it that neither of them heard the door open. "What the hell are you two doing?" They broke apart, heads turning in your direction and eyes wider than you'd ever seen before.

You looked at Selena in disbelief. She pushed your best friend off of her and tried to get up before you could leave the room but you were faster than her and already out the door.

You stomped down the stairs as Selena and your best friend trailed behind you. "Wait! Y/n, wait!" Selena grabbed your wrist and when you turned around she saw the anger in your eyes.

She expected you to cry, but you weren't. All she saw was a fire burning behind the usually bright orbs that she'd fallen so deeply in love with... or so she had said before. Looking at them now, knowing what she had done, you wondered how much of that was true.

"How could you?!" Selena lowered her head in shame and your best friend turned away, too guilty and too ashamed to even look at you. "How long?"


"How long has this been going on for?!" You raised your voice. You were hurting but you were also furious, and you weren't worried about trying to hide it from them. Clearly, they didn't care about you all that much anyway.

"A few days," Selena mumbled and you tangled your fingers in your hair, tugging on it out of frustration. "A few days? And I saw you yesterday? God, Selena! You kissed me yesterday the exact same way you were just kissing her!"

Selena nodded her head. She was just taking the punches that were being thrown. After all, she knew she deserved them.

"And you-" Your best friend looked at you for the first time since you had caught her with Selena. Her eyes were filled with tears, but you didn't care. No, you weren't gonna feel bad for her. "How could you do this to me? We've been best friends for years! And you stab me in the back like this?"

They both fell silent. The only sounds being your heavy breathing and their silent tears. You reached across your neck and slid off the necklace with Selena's initials engraved into it, throwing it down by her feet along with the spare key she had given you and the promise ring on your finger.

"I'm disgusted by both of you. I'm done. I never want anything to do with either of you. you're both dead to me." You whispered the last part but you could tell they had heard you loud and clear by the sobs that left their lips.

You ran out of the house and to your car, and you didn't ever plan on turning back around.

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