You're anxious

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Between work, university, and dealing with all the things that came along with being in a relationship in the public eye - it was no wonder why you've been suffering from anxiety attacks more than you used to. It was hard for you to talk to Selena about it because you didn't want her to place the blame on herself; but you hated hiding it from her just as much. You've always felt like you could handle it on your own; up until a few weeks ago when things suddenly became more intense than ever when you and Selena confirmed a rumor that was circulating about you two moving in together. It was proof that your relationship was serious and more than that, it was a confirmation that you really were 'the one' for each other.

You walked into the house and saw that the lights were off. Selena still wasn't back from the few interviews she had to do today. You decided to go upstairs and take a shower, but you didn't make it that far. It came out of nowhere; the anxiety attack making itself present as your heart started to race and your knees felt wobbly. You nearly collapsed on the stairs, starting to breathe faster and heavier as your mind started to race. The thoughts were terrifying. You felt trapped, as if you were a prisoner of your own mind and you didn't know how to escape it. You closed your eyes and tried to take some deep breaths but it wasn't helping.

The front door opened and closed. You knew it was Selena and if there was ever a time where you wanted to crawl out of your own skin, it was now. "Y/n? Oh my god!" She ran up the stairs and sat down next to you as she grabbed your face in her hands. You opened your eyes but closed them again right away. "You're okay y/n. Just breathe. I'm here. You're safe, I've got you." You felt her hands on your back and you tucked your face in her neck as you started to take deep breaths again. "I know it's awful y/n, but you've got this. You're so strong. You can get through this, sunshine. You're gonna be alright. I'm right here with you." She kissed your head and continued to whisper encouraging words in your ear. It took a couple minutes but you finally started to feel calmer, the anxiety attack slowly loosening its grip on you.

You opened your eyes but kept your face tucked in to her neck. "I'm sorry Sel." She shushed you and pulled you onto her lap as you both wrapped your arms around each other. "Don't be sorry. This is normal y/n. Shit I'd be worried if you never felt anxious with the type of lifestyle I have. But look, angel. You got through it, just like you have every other time before and how you'll get through it every time after. You're so strong. I'm proud of you." You smiled and lifted your head up. "Wanna talk to me about it? You know you can tell me anything." You couldn't hide it from her anymore. You had to tell her, but not right now. "Later. I promise. Right now I just want you to hold me." Selena smiled and nodded her head, her grip on you tightening just a little. "I can do that. I can always do that." She kisses your hair and continued to hold you, ready to listen whenever you were ready to talk about it.

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