you get hurt and she comforts you (requested)

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Selena stood at the stove stirring the food in the pot while you cut the vegetables at the counter.

It's a rarer occasion; getting to cook a nice dinner with her. But it's one you can never get enough of. She's finally got some free time and today was one of the first of many days you get to spend together and what better way to start it off than with a nice homemade dinner?

Everything had been going smoothly. It was all coming together nicely.

That was until the knife slipped and you cut your finger, deep.

You threw the knife down and let out a panicked scream. Selena turned around at the sound and when she saw the blood pouring from your skin she sprang into action. She turned the stove off and quickly ran up the stairs to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

When she came back down she saw you in tears. She knows you're obviously hurting and also probably really freaked out, so she was by your side right away.

"C'mon angel, I've got you." She said as she picked you up by the backs of your thighs and lifted you onto the counter opposite of the mess of blood and vegetables. She gently took ahold of your finger and the sight of the blood gushing out from your skin made her head spin.

But what kept her there with you was the sound of your sobs. She looked at you, the fear clearly visible in your eyes and it broke her heart. "Y/n, look at me. It's alright, it's gonna be just fine. It's deep but not enough for stitches. I'm just gonna wrap it up, okay? I'll take care of you, don't worry."

She promised and grabbed the gauze roll from next to you on the counter. You winced when she touched your finger, the tears slipping from your eyes and she was quick to wipe them away and press a kiss to your cheek.

She wrapped it up slowly and carefully so she wouldn't hurt you more. She was grateful it wasn't too deep and all it was gonna take was some gauze and comfort.

When it was all wrapped up she brought your finger to her lips and kissed it a few times over the gauze. You giggled tearfully and wrapped your other arm around her neck. She smiled at you and brushed her nose against yours before pressing a kiss to your lips.

She wiped away the rest of your tears when she pulled back a minute later. "You okay?" You nodded your head. "Yeah, it just freaked me out is all. Thank you for taking care of me though," you kissed her softly and pulled away with a small smile.

"My hero. You're always here to take such great care of me," Selena blushed a bit and then looked back at your finger. "I'm gonna finish dinner. You, my girl, are gonna stay right there. We can't have any more of this, alright?" She teased and you playfully smacked her arm causing her to throw her head back with a laugh.

Your tears were long gone and were now replaced with a bright smile as you watched your girlfriend move around the room as she prepared a new dinner for you both. It made you happy to know that, once again, when you really needed her, she'd been right there to take care of you, as she'd always be.

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