kissing her neck to get her attention

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Lifting your head from Selena's shoulder, you stretched your arms out over your head and turned the movie off that just finished.

"So? What do you wanna do now?' You asked excitedly as you turned to face your girlfriend. But your once bright smile faltered slightly when you saw her thumbs moving rapidly on her phone screen.

"Sel?" You scooted closer to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked up at you.

"The movie is over. What do you wanna do now?"

"Whatever you want to, angel." She smiled then looked back down at her phone.

You let out a sigh and contemplated on what you should do now. It's her day off, so your only plans are to spend them together. Neither of you really felt like going out anywhere, so you've been trying to find other things to do. Between board games and card games and good, cozy movies on, that's how you've spent the day so far.

But you still had a few hours left and she's left the last couple of choices up to you. You wanted her to choose something too; to make it fair.

"Selena? What do you wanna do?"

You put your head on her shoulder and stared at her. You waited for her to look back at you but she didn't. Instead, she chuckled and continued to scroll and type on her phone.

Burying your face in her neck, you breathed softly against her skin and started to kiss along her neck. "Baby?" You whispered as you trailed your lips along her skin.

Her breath hitched and her phone fell out of her hands and onto her lap. She breathed out a shaky sigh and closed her eyes. She tilted her head to the side to give you more skin to kiss.

"You still haven't answered me." You chuckled.

A soft, shaky sigh fell from her lips.

"What would you like to do, my love?" You sank your teeth into her skin gently causing her breath to hitch once more. "I want to be fair. You've let me choose the last two movies, I think you should choose something too."

She cleared her throat, trying to find her voice and the words to say. But her mind was blank. All she could really seem to focus on was the way your lips were moving so softly along her skin and how they were trailing up from her neck to her jaw, getting closer and closer to her lips.

"Another movie is fine with me." She whispered.

Her eyes were still closed but she opened them quickly when you pulled away from her neck.


You tried to sit back down beside her but she shook her head and wrapped her arms around you to pull you onto her lap.

"Sel," you giggled, but only for a moment. Because soon, she was pushing her lips onto yours for a sudden passionate kiss. "The movie?"

She nudged her nose against yours and pecked your lips. "In a moment. I just wanna kiss you for a while first." She said before pulling you in for another kiss.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now